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How does this work with Sound the Bells!? Do you get a copy for each cast or is this another 'special case'?
you get a buff for each cast.
So if you cast StB on him twice,and he dies, he give you 2 copies
yep it works that way
that flavur text LOL
Not sure if it's meant to work like this but if you take control of this via potion of madness at the very least, you only get potion of madness back. I assume that's intentional since the card says spells "you" cast on it so in theory you could do something like cast hammer of wrath to kill your own primalfin, get the card draw, and the hammer back.
Has anyone considered the possibility of fishing these out of the deck with Finja, the Flying Star? Now that I think about it, that sounds remarkably potent. On turn 6, especially if you don't have to spend mana putting a minion into Finja kill range, you could unload your buffs on the pulled Primalfin Champion and make serious progress towards The Last Kaleidosaur.
Sounds great with a card like Spikeridged Steed which costs 6.
Will it return smugglers run to your hand on death?
EDIT aoe buffs don't trigger on cast effects so I doubt it will
Imagine if you pick spell immune from adaptation, then you can't buff it any more
But no risk of poly I guess
This is a staple in the future quest paladin deck. Great card if the control meta takes off.
This card is going to be a stable in the quest pants paladin.
As long as you can suicide it before it gets, Silence, Hex, Devolve, Returned to your hand and Polymorphed.
Then again, if its gets destroyed by your opponent with little or no effort, you lost tempo for that turn.
I think this guy will help you complete the Paladin quest fast.
Does Smuggler's run return to your hand?
This card is just a noob trap tbh. If you go all in on it you will just lose with a single sap, hex or polymorph. There will be games where your opponent will not have an answer to it but there are other game where you just hit your opponent with 25dmg Holy Wrath
So fricking bad. The usual scenario - you didn't draw any buffs and you have to play this piece of crap for 2 mana.
Buffs on low cost minion is terrible in general now that devolve is a thing. Devolve is terrible game design.
If you wont draw any buffs then it means you either put not enough buffs for paladin quest or you just got very unlucky. Just in situations when you didnt draw any dragon despite having 9 of them in your deck.
terrible card. Needs to be a 1 drop.