Warmaul Challenger
Card Text
Battlecry: Choose
an enemy minion.
Battle it to the death!
Flavor Text
Old gladiator rules: first one to die loses.
Battlecry: Choose
an enemy minion.
Battle it to the death!
Old gladiator rules: first one to die loses.
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Does it work like Gwent's Duel? Seltkirk was a great card.
Amazing synergy with frothing berserker. coin out berseker rogue plays miscreant play this card berseker 8/4 = strong tempo play
What does it mean by battle it to the death? What if the enemy minion has much higher stats...? Does this thing have Poisonous then?
Turn 2 coin this.
Turn 3 inner rage + bloodsworn mercenary
3/9, 3/9, 3/3 and maybe another 1 drop on board.
You know, some classes and decks just can't deal with that level of aggression. The stats on that card are simple absurd.
I really like this card - it's interesting, even if it isn't strong.
Firstly, at its core - it only does well attacking into either low attack minions (if you send this into a 1 attack minion, it can do 10 damage for 3 mana which is insane), or ~3 drops and below. If you attack into something like a 3/3, 2/4 or 4/2, you're killing that minion and getting left with a 1/2. Is a 1/2 with battlecry: destroy a minion that costs 3 or less worth it for 3 mana? Possibly. The body is very small, and often you can kill a 3 drop for 2 mana, so it's not super strong. That said, packaging a minion in with a destroy effect does boost its value. The issue is that if the 3 drop has top vanilla stats (4/3, 3/4 or 2/5) then it's just a trade. Not awful, but not amazing.
However, the fact that its attacking to destroy does make for some interesting scenarios:
* Commanding Shout lets it kill anything for 5 mana, which isn't too bad (particularly if your other minions can make use of the Shout too)
* Boosting its attack makes it a bit better; either dealing with bigger minions or surviving with more health. The issue with that is that you need to have some sort of static attack giving buff on the board (such as Dire Wolf Alpha), and I can't think of too many in warrior that are competitively viable right now.
* If you kill something really small, it has a very good statline for a 3 drop - 1/10 is bigger than 1 attack 4 drops get. Of course, 1 attack is a huge setback, but with that healthline it's a prime candidate for Inner Rage and Cruel Taskmaster.
Honestly, the card doesn't seem very strong, but I love interesting effects on cards.
At least it can target jugglers around taunts.
This card has a really interesting interaction with Commanding Shout and Frothing Berserker. If you can stick a berserker and they have a huge blocker, you can play Commanding Shout to make your Warmaul Challenger unkillable, chip down their taunt 1-hp at a time, then hit them in the face with your giant Berserker. If there is enough support for a tempo pain build (maybe difficult with Acolyte of Pain leaving standard), this could be a good removal/finisher combo.
I love this cards flavour. It also looks decent - it doesn't lose to any 3 drops - and if it's buffed in hand will be effective removal while also leaving a decent minion behind.