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This card is SO fletch.
Mean Girls is a freaking awesome movie,
and I'm not a girl, nor am i gay,
but he is too gay to function.
(inside joke for people that have seen it)
Unfortunately, no one will see this comment, because nobody cares about this card.
I think it's too slow. You need to combo it with a 1-cost minion. so 5 mana for something understatted to draw a spell. 6 mana for something understatted and drawing 2 spells. Well that might be ok, but a 3/3 is just not great. Plus you probably had to keep the 1/1 in hand...
Also it requires you to put a healthy amount of spells & 1 drops in your deck.
I doubt this will really see play
+ Springpaw = Kill Command
This actually gave me the win in a match yesterday. Fletcher > Springpaw > Kill Command drawn with 3 mana left and the springpaw activated the command.
Undyne? Undertale? Anyone?
Hmmm... When I look at this card I see Face Hunter. It can get away with 1 drop spam and just about all of the spells you can draw are the burst you need to close out the game.
thats actually what i thought asap yes - this looks pretty scary. Good thing is that some good 1drops are leaving inJeweled Macaw and Dire Mole
What am I tutoring though? it doesn't really go well with Master's Call, so I don't know
In between Buzzards, Cult Masters, Infest, Cybertech Chip, Tol'Vir Warden, and even Halazzi, this still can build a place for itself in a quest hunter. Not the odd variant, for obvious reasons, but with Keleseth already removing the Chip and still relatively recently nerfed Hunter's Marks, this could make some things work.
Might be a sleeper, card-draw in hunter is really scary. Springpaw with this is a decent draw-engine.
(edit: typos)