The Basic Totems
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Wrath of the Air Totem is no longer a basic Totem as is in the description.
This minion sucks simply for the fact it is not even cost. It is way too expensive to drop 2 mana on each turn and pray they all stay alive. No, baku doesn't help, because you need ALL of them, and you can only choose ones which are not on the board yet. #GiveShamanBetterBasicCards #RIPOverloadAntiAggro (2015-2017)
I hope that one day his battlecry would work if ANY 4 totems are on your side of board (including flametounge, primalfin, mana tide, nightmare amalgam). That would have been just perfect...
Playing this recently and nobody really expects it. I have an easy time triggering the effect because few players actually realize i i am trying to retaun one of each totem. Rogues returning them to my hand make it even easier . This might be good in the new year.
Sigh always that one snowflake that goes against the rest of the majority opinion to act like they're special in making garbage work when they're really just lying about it. Post a deck instead of bullshitting that you made this garbage inconsistent thing work. If we can't make it work then neither can you. Stop trying to be unique. Next time just post a comment saying, "Yeah tried to make it work but it's pretty difficult instead of pretending you "have an easy time" playing against rank 25 opponents.
Will Baku make Windshear viable? Just wondering.
Definitely planning on making this deck in Wild with Thunder Bluff Valiant and Fungalmancer
So out of curiosity, I just crafted two of this card. 800 dust, gone. 3 hours later, I still haven't pulled off the combo, and I have only won 2 games out of who knows how many. (in casual) Several times, I had all 4 totems, but no space on board for Al'Akir. Several times I had my board of minions die and re summon totems, only to get 5 healing totems. Finally, as I am passing out in my chair, while playing another very bad, very unconventional deck, I pull it off. The 6 card combo, that took 5 turns to achieve was mine. And my reward? 6 damage. 6.
I am not sure if Blizzard has more cards coming to synergize with this one, but as it stands, this is one of the worst cards in the entire game. It is impossible to pull off the combo in any normal deck, and even if you do, its only 6 damage.
You could just craft Al'Akir the Windlord and save yourself all that trouble for the same outcome.
I love the golden animation, but I need the dust, sorry :/
Maybe not the greatest card around, but I absolutely LOVE the art. The golden animation with the rain and the lightning reminds me of the movie Frankenstein, it looks beautiful!
fucking rank 25 retards, acting like their opinion means something
Says the number 1 legend.
Its worth noting that it's impossible to use Brann Bronzebeard with this because there isn't enough space to summon 2 Al'Akir the Windlords.
However, with the newly revealed card Murmuring Elemental you can destroy it with a spell after playing it. Then Windshear Stormcaller's Battlecry will still trigger twice, and you'll have enough space for both Al'Akir the Windlords!
Its highly impractical, but it is possible.
Synergizes well with Wicked Witchdoctor
Edit: Card format
this + Prince Taldaram can be good.
There's not enough space on the board to use taldaram on Al'Akir the Windlord.
Actually, there is, four Totems is 4 minions, with Windshear Stormcaller it's 5, with Al'Akir: 6, just enough Space for Taldy even if I would just use extra mana to slap some Primal Fusion on Al'Akir.
Primal Fusion