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This card will go to your opponent if you use it on a minion borrowed with Shadow Madness
I'm really disappointed that the summon quote is not
"Is this real - or just fantasy?"
Why does this not count towards the Awaken the Makers quest? You summon a minion which is a copy of a deathrattle minion, hence you summon a deathrattle minion or am I missing something? Very disappointing.
Because technically you are not summoning a copy of a deathrattle minion... But this minion is transforming into a deathrattle minion on battlecry.
There's a difference.
I guess...I just hate that interaction so much. There isn't any window of time between it being summoned and gaining the deathrattle so effectively you summon a deathrattle minion. I mean it's a pointless argument but I would actually be right before patch 11.2 where they changed this mechanic: “Summon and Play triggers are now evaluated using their in-hand stats before they are affected by board modifiers and their Battlecry.” I guess I'm just annoyed this doesn't count towards my quest :P
It would have counted for it in the past. That sort of interaction was patched out. It was a big deal when quest druid was a thing, Faceless Manipulator transforming into a 5 attack minion used to progress the quest but then they changed it right before a tournament while people had that deck in their rosters
Really cool card. Feels really good when you manage to combo this with Da Undatakah. Too bad priest sucks right now. But in a few months i expect that a really good combo/control deathrattle priest deck will become viable.
Yeah right now there is no place for priests in meta exception made for a niche for Nomi priests, let's see in a few months... With the next expansion maybe.
I know there are better combos, but I'm trying to make this work with Zerek, Master Cloner, since it copies the deathrattle condition.
Obscure interaction...
I played a Mechanical Whelp, played Goblin Lackey making it 3/2 Rush, and then copied it with Shadowy Figure. I could see when I hovered over the copied Whelp that it had two enchantments, "Short Fuse +1 Attack and Rush" followed by "Shade 2/2". But it did not actually get Rush. This ended up losing me the game as I was unable to use it to trade into the enemy board.
So whether or not this is working as intended, you have been warned!
Becomes taunt and removal with Convincing Infiltrator.
But no good deathrattles is left in standard... in wild it can be good
I'm not scared of this card, I'm scared of what it could become. An obvious combo piece, but what it can combo with we don't yet know. Players will forget this card exists, then 2 expansions later it'll enable something broken..