Which paths will you take, adventurer?
Card Clarifications
- This does not work with Fandral Staghelm as it isn't a choose one effect.
- You can choose the same option twice if you'd like.
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Playing this in wild with Archmage Vargoth just reminds me how stupid broken this card is.
After Fire Fly probably the second best card in the meta atm. The amount of flexibility is just insane and there is little downside to including it in pretty much every deck since it combines heal, burst and draw potential while other classes need to run a card for each and most likely leave one of the options out.
Battlecry: Remove all of the opponent's Armor.
This really feels like the most OP card I've played against in a while, not sure why.
Branching Paths is so good ! Love this card !! included it on my combo deck, it's so versatile and the golden animation for the card and its 3 options are awesome !
Loot the Chest i've used the armor option against very aggro opponents, 12 armor for 4 mana is pretty nice ! i was with low HP, because a mage pyroblasted (from primordial glyph), fireballed, great arcane missiled (from babbling book), and arcane missiled my face non stop, even with my minions on board, thanks for using 2 of this cards, i won with my combo deck on fatigue against him ! feelsgoodman =P
Explore the Darkness because the deck i used was combo, i don't really have a strong board, but this option helped quite sometimes, because i run taunts and Spreading Plague, so, it helps to take board control back sometimes, but can be a strong option with some kinds of decks !
Eat the Mushroom It's the option i've used the most with my combo deck, 4 mana draw 2 cards it's ok, plus, you can like, draw just one card and select one of the other options to help you , because it's choose twice.
With this card, you've got six options, all worth roughly 3 mana on their own:
All in all, this card seems pretty darn good!
I like how the animation in the golden version makes the adventurer indecisive...
Had a thought for a new legendary minion where its text reads, "Your Choose One cards now Choose Twice". [NOTE: Not a real card; just a mock-up.]
When 2018 expansion starts and Fandral cycles out, I have a sneaky suspicion that a minion like this could occur. AND OF COURSE, Wild would be crazy when combined with Fandral Staghelm.
Feels like a great card for a midrange sort of Druid which doesn't exactly exist yet.
In a Big/Jade type druid, this seems like it'd struggle to find a home. Neither armor nor cards are bad, but there's already a lot of draw, and Earthen Scales compares pretty well in terms of armor.
In Aggro druid, Savage Roar does 2 more damage (face is 4 fite), and costs 1 less mana, so is probably better. As such, I don't think there's really room for it, and I don't think there's anything I'd cut for this. It's worth testing over Savage Roar, however.
However, if there were a deck faster than big, but bigger than token, this seems good.
Please, stop giving aggro druid aoe buffs, this is just stupid.
I'm sure it doesnt work with Fandral Staghelm
Specifically says "This does not work with Fandral Staghelm as it isn't a choose one effect. "
12 Armor Against Aggro, Draw 2 When Its Late Game as one of the last resorts, +2 attack on minions will punish Enemies who doesnt play around U HAVING 3 MINIONS on board, Oh and... FANDRAL.
This card may find itself in all avenues of Druid as a solid choice for sustain, buffs, and/or recovery. We may find ourselves facing these three decisions a fair amount in the coming months; one can only hope this doesn't lead to another Druid resurgence.
Draw it early, go for the draw... You had to use Nourish before. If you really want the ramp in the deck, Nourish is still better though.
Or draw it in the lategame. Together with Spreading Plague to summon a bunch of 3/5s is not that bad actually. Or draw 3 cards with Gadgetzan Auctioneer
If there is any hope for Hadronox, this could be a thing too.
Only thing is, it doesn't help druids to come back, if they fall behind.
imo 7/10
Another example of Druids doing a little bit of everything. Great value, plenty of options, this is going to be a very popular card.
Decent card for tokens as it buffs your minions and allows you to draw deeper.
Kinda unplayable in other decks
First they give Druids Cruel Ultimatum.
Now they have Cryptic Command.
Choose Twice? What is this, the Commands from Magic the Gathering?
Not an insane card by any means. Will still see play tho due to sheer versatility