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Dragon never yields.
Is this mario kart
Beware of Flamestrike
4-mana 7/7 or 7-mana 4/4? You choose.
I like that card so much that I run two of them together with 2 Blazecaller just to make sure that I can activate Kalimos, Primal Lord
Is it just me or is the voice actor one of the characters from Starcraft 2? Like Zeratul maybe...
Soldier 76 voice too
Exactly what I was thinking, if the deck can even stand to play three 7-drops.
could be good
This is a good card, it's spirit wolves and a 4/4 for 7. It should be critical in helping an elemental control shaman deck withstand aggro. Of course, you would want to run this card, earth elemental, spirit wolves, fire elemental, Blazecaller, Kalimos and Al' Akir along with Jinyu, storm, volcano and maelstrom portal.
A card has just been printed that decapitated this one. Check out Blazecaller.
Check out the stones on that guy!
7 mana 4/4? looks like we got outmemed boys.
There are better cards than this for Evolve (like Doppelgangster, for instance). Considering the tokens only have a mana cost of 2, I'd take three 6 drops over an 8 drop and two 3 drops the majority of the time.
You have a very good point but personally I don't see Evolve particularly fitting into the Elemental Shaman archetype. I mean it could work, but I think it would be better running something more consistent.
18 points of stats across 3 bodies at 7 mana? Hmm, sounds familiar...