Card Text
Deal 5 damage to a minion. If it's a friendly Demon, give it +5/+5 instead.
Flavor Text
Virtually every member of the pro demon lobby is a warlock. Weird.
Deal 5 damage to a minion. If it's a friendly Demon, give it +5/+5 instead.
Virtually every member of the pro demon lobby is a warlock. Weird.
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I don't even really have a joke to make i just think this card sucks
I wish this was in standard, it would push a new archetype other than all the zoo-style decks we see running around nowadays
This and Demonfire are the most versatile buff/damage in hs ever, plus some sort of surprise factor.
Who will expect a puny Imp become a [card]Dread Infernal[/card] and eat your face.
i think they're the only buff/damage spell in the game
I really like using this card. Even buffing a Mistress of Pain, or a Voidwalker is pretty awesome, won me several games
i like golden animation
It pretty much does have a choose too. Since you can choose between buffing a friendly demon OR dealing (an extremely inefficient) 5 damage.
I would definitely consider running this card in a demon deck that plays voidcallers.
i wonder if this works on jaraxxus..
If your jaraxxus got played by a voidcaller without the battlecry, then ya, you'd be able to buff him. But you wouldn't be able to buff your hero since the card can only target minions.
I could not believe this card actually exists before it was confirmed by Blizzard.
This artwork is so amazing it feels like diablo!
SUm it up, it's better than Demonfire, because it ha no downside and it's a large buff for demons.
Voidcaller into Dread Infernal, then buff with Demonheart for Thaddius-like stats.
Or, for 10 mana: buff Doomguard => 10/12 with charge! (assuming it doesn't discard the spell)
Or, try Felguard + this => 8/10 Taunt! seems pretty solid.
Yeah… the original name was cooler.
Based on how things go, if the format can accept a midrange Warlock deck I think this card will make the cut, even if its just as a Blessing of Kings for 5 with sometimes important upside. As removal this is definitely mediocre, but not unplayable since 5 is enough to kill a large variety of cards, at least atm. If you have enough targets we all know how insane Kings can be, and this could easily be that. ATM the deck this would go in doesn't exist outside of fringe play.
I am all for more demon synergy
if the 5 damage could go face it might be playable.
sucks, same as demonfire but you lose 5 mana to a silence and 5 for 5 damage is bad.
This is really late, but I play demon handlock hybrid. Is that not classified as handlock? And I think may be good with hero jaraxxus minions or taunt up minion jaraxxus and demonheart it.
I like that observation, good call.
As a removal is pretty bad, since Syphon Soul costs 1 more and kills any minion, even with divine shield. As a buff, i guess i whould preffer Power Overwhelming or Demon Fire. First because costs 1 or 2, and i will usually use for trade or activing deathrattle. Second, because a minion buffed with Felheart will probably get BGH or whatever. Felheart is quite slow to the actual meta. And even with new demons, guess i will still preffer demon fire. More potential on the early game and can avoid BGH most of times. Some pros is that kills first sludge, sylvanna, can be used with cost 5 minions in the same turn (sludge, faceless, etc..)
Blizzard is trying to create a more diverse metagame with more expansion version of cheap spells/minions and cheaper versions of expensive spells/minions.
I really liked this card. Makes the Nerubian Egg + Power Overwhelming + Void Terror even better
A certain Dread Lord legendary is coming soon. More demons are on the way :-).