Skeletal Dragon

Card Text
At the end of your turn, add
a Dragon to your hand.
Flavor Text
I wish to complain about this dragon what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.
At the end of your turn, add
a Dragon to your hand.
I wish to complain about this dragon what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.
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Gotta love the Monty Python flavor text. reminds me of a dead bird...
should i craft him? im just saving my dust till after all the nerfs. im thinking of crafting him cuz i play priest.
tnx :D
Thanks Mr Skeletal
just don't resurrect three times
I love this card.
Man, I really love seeing dragons back in Priest decks. That's what made me main Priest as a class back in the day and I can't wait to try them out.
Good in highlander if it can give you Alex... In other decks is meh
A card that will save priest, dragon priest will finally be back
It says "add a Dragon" and not "add a random Dragon"... does it mean that it is only Priest or neutral dragons then?
good question. Lets hope it is any dragon. There are many legendary ones to get lucky with.
Just saw on the theorycraft stream, it is confirmed: it can add ANY dragon to your hand. Saw it adding a Deathwing, Mad Aspect to the hand ;)
Guess i was wrong then, but I still think the wording is kinda not so consistent with the other cards. Anyway, that's how it is!
Honestly if it were just priest dragons that wouldn't be so bad, because you'd have an excellent chance of getting Murozond.
My guess is it didn't fit so well inside the card text space
Somehow hit this with Psyche Split and your laughing.
definitly something worth try
Fate Weaver
Add grave runes too