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It looks like an harpy, not like a witch.
Very good card , for warlock decks.
This card is great for Menagerie decks and they also got Hench-Clan Hogsteed this expansion!
I've been using it in a Menagerie Shaman and getting two tokens that benefit from Murloc buffs and can receive any of the three buffs from Zoobot or Menagerie Magician makes it really flexible.
Summoning them from a Battlecry means Shudderwock can make a board of Amalgams, buff them with the previously mentioned cards and Gentle Megasaur, and refill your hand from The Curator and Sludge Slurper Battlecries which is awesome.
One of the best cards in the set. 5/5 stats on 3 bodies for 4-mana is great! The tokens are murlocs (Murloc Warleader), pirates (Southsea Captain), deamons (Impferno), mechs (Magnetic for Charge) and beasts (Beast-synergy).
This card is strong even without all types.
I can't wait to see the tokens. Judging by that tiny Nightmare Amalgam she's holding, they're going to be adorable.
Quite tasty Hench-Clan Hag, Zentimo & Earthen Might combo, but is a bit reliant on all combo pieces being there. Might fit in a midrange/control shaman like the below;