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From the wording, it looks like if you discover a minion, and not all options were beasts, you can draw another copy of the minion you just discovered. Is this wrong?
Well, this card searches in your deck 3 minions, if the 3 of them were beast, you automatically skip the discover mechanic and draw the 3 of them. If in those 3 one isn’t a beast, it give you the discover mechanic allowing you to draw 1 of them of your choice. “Discover from your deck” draws you a card, it doesn’t add cards from outside your deck.
Hope this helps.
Very good in midrange hunter , any variant :)
effective delete
It's a cheaper Nourish that tutors
This is hands down the most ridiculous card for Hunter decks right now outside of Zul'jin. For 3 mana, it gives Hunters what they have been missing: card draw.
Barnes & Y’Shaarj time
Have you tested that (frenzy + call)? Just curious
If true, it... would explain some of the issues I've seen with this card. Like, I only have Beasts in my beast-deck, I specifically don't use Houndmaster to maximize this card's value, but its track record on drawing 3 cards is pretty spotty in games I KNOW I have 3+ minions still in my deck due to Dire Frenzy.
Sometimes when I play this and have 3 beasts only in my deck, and no other kind of minions it will just draw two beasts, I am 100% sure of this.
Same here, I had 8 beasts on my deck and "Master's Call" only drawned to my hand 2 beasts. Could this happen due a bug? dang this cards interactions confuse me!
I used this card 3 times. I have Shaw as the only NON beast minion. All 3 times he was in Discover.
It's a small sample, so we'll see, but I sure hope it's not the "100% or 0" case here
EDIT: Well, the very next time, I got all 3. All good ^^
The card can see some play in Spell Hunter. Play Animal Companion, play Dire Frenzy then draw all three beasts with this, so your Rhok'delar and To My Side! are still playable.
You can draw exactly Halazzi, the Lynx, Subject 9 and something like Timber Wolf for example. Seems quite strong!
So, what would happen if there are only 2 minions left in the deck, and both are Beast? As it says "if all 3 are beasts", would it break that condition by them being only 2?
If not the case, then running only 3 beasts could work well, if those are the only beasts you need for some particular reason.
If it is indeed the case, then running more than 3 beasts could be a good idea, just in case you draw some of them, to still fulfill the "all 3 are beasts" condition.
Someone should do the math on what's the critical mass of non-beasts you can include without screwing yourself over. Would be a shame if you couldn't fit this in a deck with at least Untamed Beastmaster
But hey, even if not, there are still Dire Frenzyshenanigans to be had.
Good card if you can build a deck around it. Got a couple so far I've tried. Thoughts?
Okay in wild, this will garantee Barnes on turn 4, in spell hunter
Damn, didn't think about it. Wild becomes more broken every expansion.
Also it might work with Keleseth, tho its not like 100% chance to get it. Stitched Tracker doesn't work, coz in doesn't draw, just copy. This might
Oh nvm, its still copy, not drawing. So generally, This into barnes is also not that good. Coz you have 50% chance to get barnes from barnes