Argent Braggart
Card Text
Battlecry: Set this minion's
Attack and Health to the
highest in the battlefield.
Flavor Text
Not sure why he's bragging, he's got the same stats as the next guy.
Battlecry: Set this minion's
Attack and Health to the
highest in the battlefield.
Not sure why he's bragging, he's got the same stats as the next guy.
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Nerf yes or yes of a f****** time Blizzard
Its time to remove this card from the game
This card is completely broken, could you imagine if it was a demon hunter card people would be going mad...
Been seeing some back and forth on this card, but this card straight up wins games. You can cheese out a HUGE minion by turn 5, or you can use it when your opponent has a big minion and basically steal its stats. Two mana makes the card ridiculously flexible. Been playing some pure pally and it helps make a good deck a little more broken, which is needed in this meta.
How does this interact with dormant minions?
I think it won't proc the battlecry because a dormant minion "isn't there yet", so, u'll have a 1/1 minion or it will get other miniom attack and health, a really BAD idea. Anyways, is a GREAT value card, at 2 cost is nice.
just played first match of new expansion. No thanks, no interest in playing with this kind of power creep. A 2 mana copy highest stats on battlefield... can't believe some of you think that's okay.
Also have concerns with this. We live in a VERY fast aggro meta and while this card has huge upsides, those upsides do not start before say turn 5 or 6. A 2-drop that is basically unplayable on curve and very likely also unplayable the following 2 turns because theres just too little upside to it and that is forced to wait to fulfill its large upside potential is very dangerous. Sure if you survive till late game, then draw this and your opponent just made his DQA turn, sure, its huge. But if you mulligan this you will not be happy which is a really bad sign for a 2-drop. Gonna wait and see if Paladin can guarantee to survive against all kinds of aggro decks no matter what, then this could be really good.
Yeah, i saw several reviews now from pros and whatnot and everyone says its a good card , or its a 2 mana Faceless. But when do we ever played Faceless for the stats? Never! It was always because of the minions cardtext or the effect of the card.
Also hes just dead so much of the time , not just on turn 2. Against Rogue and Warriors with their small Lackeys , against new OTK decks, or when Druid really pumps out big minions they flood the board with them an on curve Shotbot deals the dmg to win the game . And there is the next problem Paladin has issues of killing A minion directly . Wich means if you play braggart on 5 and make a idk. 4/6 (and thats optimistic) you cant even swing the board , like what else does Paladin with the 3 mana ? Play a 3 drop? Aldor Peacekeeper would be the best i guess otherwise just playing a wheeney or heropower is horrible.
There is no way a playable Paladin runs more than one copy of this card (maybe 1 if the meta allows it).
it takes into consideration your minions too, i'm playing 2 of them and often i found my self at turn 6 with two 9/9 (it works really well with Blessing of Authority)
Yes, but in my experience there's a LOT of ways to destroy him. [card]Blessing of Authority[/card] is nice to destroy a big minion with anything u have in board.
Pretty sure this is the card that makes Salhet's Pride see play. Run two Braggarts, a Murgur Murgurgle, maybe you also throw in aggressive minions like Brazen Zealot, maybe that's too aggressive as this seems more like a midrange-y package. Not sure what other 1-health minions make the cut, maybe Pen Flingers for value with Librams?
So after reading the wording : your attack and health to 'match the highest' it makes me wonder...
imagine, Priest T1 plays Frazzled Freshman : Paladin T2 - would get a 4/4 or a 1/4?
A 1/4.
This is just a pretty nice tempo card. Obviously the dream is to play it with a Libram of Hope, or heavily buffed card to get out a lot of cheap stats, but frankly a 2 mana 4/5 is pretty amazing, and I imagine that's where it's stats are going to end up on average. The biggest issue with it though is it's low cost is misleading, as you are almost never going to want to play this on curve. I'd compare it to something like Devout Pupil in terms of when it might get played, as in a burst of cheap stats at some point in the mid to late game. Certainly an excellent tool though, and since paladin isn't struggling for good 2 drops at the moment, I don't think it's going to complain.
I wonder if there's a 7/1 and a 1/7 on the battlefield does this become a 7/7?
I also wondered the same thing, has anyone confirmed?
I think it becomes a 7/7 because if it only copies one of them how does it choose which one? At random would be weird.