- Summoned Ambush cards are 'summon a 4/4 Nerubian for your opponent. Draw a card'. (Source)
Shuffle 3 Ambushes into your opponent's deck. When drawn, you summon a 4/4 Nerubian.
Can you hold these eggs for just a second? I promise they're not full of giant enraged undead spider things.
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Something to go with the Jungle Giants.
If your opponent has a full hand and they draw a Nerubian , it just gets burned... It's so stupid.
I hate this game
that's the only way to "play around" this card!
I always liked this card because of its high long-term value for a control rogue (lul good joke) but oh man, it's so good at nullifying these annoying brann+kazakus super value combos that I just had to put it in all of my rogue decks.
Next expansion, with Reno Jackson, Kazakus and Inkmaster Solia...
The cure for Kabal decks! Great tech card since almost every Kazakus deck is running Reno as well.
I really think this card is underrated. You're investing three mana for a potential 0-3 4/4s that your opponent can't play around drawing. Some games you'll get none, some you'll get all three quickly. Getting one of the ambushes drawn early on is extremely helpful in getting or keeping board control and avoiding face damage trying to do it with your daggers. Reno decks aren't super popular at the moment but this card has the added benefit of stopping any Reno drops until your opponent can get two of the Ambushes out of their deck. Since it is more of a mana investment (and is best used if you can afford a slow turn) than an immediate return in dropping a minion or using a spell, I think only one of these should be used in a Rogue deck. If you really hate Reno Jackson, run two.
This was the most yolo thing ever, and I was just on the floor dying of laughter when this happened.
Well, I know too well what the guy felt - I draw the 3 in one shot.
Such an awesome concept, it's a shame it's never really seen much competitive play. Hopefully Standard (and this year's new content) can make it constructed viable. The Spider Rogue theme started with TGT is epic.
The best part of this card is how opponent gets an Ambush! when he plays a card that draws a card. Wasted mana, can't respond with removal. Priceless.
This card is a huge addition to control-rogue. 3 mana 12/12, that can't be cleared with a single AoE (cuz they are still in your opponent's deck). And it gets better and better closer to fatigue.
Plus it is a fun counter to Reno Jackson! When Explorers first launched I threw this in my Oil Rouge and just farmed Reno decks, it was amazing.
Got 2 'Beneath the Grounds' with Nefarian against a mill rogue and it was just hillarious.
The funniest moment is when that idiot with 1 HP says "Sorry about that" , plays Reno Jackson, and nothing happens XD
I was going to use an only slightly modified Oil Rogue deck... but then I remembered how much I hate Reno Jackson.
This card HAS to go in my deck. HAS HAS HAS.
hi does this counter reno as he cant heal with duplicates in the deck do the ambushes mess his heal up anyone plz ?
Well this just made for a crazy Arena loss. Turn 7 enemy rogue plays Beneath the Grounds. On my turn 7 I draw all 3 ambushes in a row when I had 23 cards (20+3 ambush) 3/23 x 2/22 x 1/21 *edit
Sometimes you feel lucky even to see it happen to yourself. Lost shortly after with no answer as a drood.
It's actually 3/23*2/22*1/21, which makes the chance of getting all 3 a little higher, but still a really small chance.
Oh ya that's right, ty for the correction.
Thanks for the three legendaries! (Elise Starseeker and the Golden Monkey say hi.)