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A nerf to Deck of Wonders
It's actually not that bad. I use this with Unstable Ghoul in wild as a boardclear. Of course, it's still bad compared to Equality + Pyro and other, but better than nothing.
When they tell you to switch from hanzo
exploding bloat bat can board clear with just a poisonous adapt if you're lucky. what about toxic arrow on a demolisher? you wither get a good trade or a trade, if not you could get 2 if it hits something else. or just make your minion immune with either the hunter cards or the new neutral minion that gives immunity for a turn. it may be slow but I'm pretty anxious to try toxic arrow on a demolisher watch it sling poison balls of death.
The fact that the buff requires the target to survive is what kills this card. If this could give the target poisonous no matter if it survives or not, you could combo this with Wild Pyromancer and make the new Wild Pyromancer+Equality combo.
Not really, Wild Pyromancer will die before he clears you would need to buff his health first. A better option would be Sargeant Sally or the new Bat and they don't damage your own minions, but yeah to bad that the minions need to survive to get the buff.
There's always Unstable Ghoul. Deathrattle: Destroy all minions.
Nice combo with Acolyte of Pain to be honest.
With the recent changes to poisonous interaction with deathrattles it might be decent now. Things like Abomination and Bloatbat Zombeasts can clear the entire board in a two card combo. I mean these combo's are less efficient than most in other classes but the DK hero power for hunter is likely the highest value out of all of them, even if it is slow. So these inefficient board clears might still work just due to the continuous value you can draw from longer games.
either a really bad removal or a really bad buff, i can only describe it as really B A D.
This card is very versatile. Finish off their minion, or give one of your poisonous. Having this in your hand increases the game's decision trees per turn drastically.
Nice Warrior card
Bad card is bad.
Question: Does the targeted minion have to take damage in order for it to count as "survived"? Say for example you pop a Divine Shield with this, would the shielded minion gain Poisonous, or not?
Nopes, if it survives, it gets poisonous.
Maybe it works with Gahz'rilla in Wild.
I would agree but that is sort of pointless when hitting him once with anything makes him kill deathwing.
Unless it's Ozruk. Elemental decks can pump it up easily to 20 or more hp an removing him can be a problem.