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Violet Illusionist + Bloodbloom + DOOM!
so that you wont take ten damage?
also you can throw in mistress of mixtures to cycle a card and heal for 4 for only 1 mana.
It seems to be a good answer for 1 turn Van Cliff 10-10
The point of this card isn't to play cards for free. It's that now your big spells only cost 2 mana and you can then build a board after. Twisting nether costs a lot of mana, and is pretty much your whole turn. So instead, twisting nether plus 6 free mana to do stuff with
Good comment. I think this card will find its place - or not - in tempo based decks. HP loss is too much without reno.
so a 2 mana combo for a 2 mana boardclear and lose almost a third of your health
im not that sure if its playable, especially since health will matter a lot more, now that reno is out, even in aggro this could hurt a lot. if you have to clear the board so badly as aggro, you probably have lost anyways. In a few scenarios it could be good, but not enough to justify putting it in the deck i think
This card is just so pointless because of the 2 mana cost. You would never want to play a big spell after this for obvious reasons, and playing a low cost spell doesn't make sense since you're already spending 2 mana on this card..
turn 1 coin, this, then Kara Kazham :)
this card can be good in wild , since you have to put two healbot in your deck to cover your hero power and other minions that damage your health
Also Reno
I mean if aggro still reigns up high this could be a great way to get a board clear out and then still have mana to drop something down.
a 3/3, a 2/2 and a 1/1 on the first turn is pretty strong
THIS. Kara Kazham's gonna be nuts with this!
The fact that it cost 2 mana makes it kinda pointless. It's like a worse version of Preparation.
If it costed less it would allow for spells like Feeding Time and Kara Kazham to be played on turn one, which is pretty busted
At least with Chogall you get a minion. Here you just get to spend two mana.
But how nice does it feel to play Cho'Gall into twisting nether or even hellfire?
With this you can play minions after playing your boardwipe.
Of course they announce this after I opened Cho'gall a few days ago...