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I almost always ignored this card and thought it was an elemental.
I love this card I just keep 1 in most of my decks and it always seems gets me out of tricky situations
Glitter Moth + Void Ripper OTK - you heard it here first!
It works great in this Dragon OTK deck. It's also simply genius with Pint-Size Potion :)
"Wow, cool design"
"THAT's how you make a card"
"Good job Blizzard"
"Very strong card, I can see this being played"
No one plays it.
"Hey there little Corridor Creeper! Why don't you call your little brother and we'll have a blast together"
looks like the card just needed more time... one of the best neutrals right now! :)
I don't like the golden animation
Yikes, this is gonna be a neutralizing power with Paladin. Reduce hp to 1, clog the board with usless 1 attack units.
Confuse is a class card that sees some play. Getting a 3/3 body for one more mana might be too good.
It's only 1 mana understated and has a powerful effect. Having the 3/3 means you can just used it for cheap utility. But of course you can use it in otk priest, potion of madness, divine spirit, divine spirit, choice of 2 innerfires and 4 confuses.
Could be good in aggro druid to swap crypt lords and druid of the swarms
in murlocadin can by useful and again doomsayer or totems too
Maybe it is also good in demon oriented zoolock to counter doomsayers and stuff
Oh... this is going to be used to burst down people so hard.
When open a pack from Dragons and Catacombs set, will like to get this epic ("Void Ripper") and not that epic ("To my side").
Smile and sad , two sides of and Epic.
Ye, because Confuse was never a thing...
Confuse didn't get a chance to be a thing in Standard. It rotated before Gadgetzan.
What the hell Blizz? Thanks -not. That's a priest like effect with a body, remember that Confusecard that was a priest card? Well, since you decided to make this new card neutral, i can already see that totally fair combo: member this card named "Spreading Plague Cancer", well, i guess druids get now some new OTK combo, because even though it was nerfed, is still go in almost all druid decks. Will be awesome to get otked by those spreading walls, like if it wasn't annoying enought. Thanks blizz !
Spreading Plague isn't used by aggro or combo decks. It's a defensive card, you use it when your opponent has 4 or more minions in order to save your butt from face damage. I just can't imagine a combo deck with Void Ripper.
You guys here at Hearthpwn be downvoting that guys comment then downvote the comment disagreeing to that comment. What do we do to please you?
This is a good Epic. Interesting ability that could work for some decks but certainly isn't required. Works great with eggs and terrible with Totems.