The Alliance arrives to the Orcish capital of Warspear. However, the orcs they find there look different.
Showcase Cards
Boss One: Draka and Durotan
Boss Behaviour
Draka and Durotan switch places each turn. They share the same deck, hand and board, but have different Hero Power and Health. Once you defeat either of them, they will draw two cards, get 5 Armor and upgrade their Hero Power:
The prevalence of Broken and even Lost Ones in the Shadowmoon Valley can only mean the demons have already started to corrupt Draenor with their Fel magic.
The Alliance arrives at the Hellfire Citadel, where the Pit Lord Mannoroth awaits.
Showcase Cards
Boss One: Grommash Hellscream
Boss Behaviour
Grommash Hellscream starts with the 1/3 Gorehowl equiped.
I was in the subway, playing Tavern Brawl and missed lethal by one. Could've easily killed the opponent if I had used Likkim + Lightning Storm instead of attacking with a the 2-attack weapon I had equiped. I mean, I was about to go into a train that has no Internet connection, so I had no time to make calculations, but I still feel so dumb.
This is kinda a recurring mistake. You see, when I was studying, I could easily understand complex math concepts, but then fuck up in the exam because of a sum or because I messed up with the sign when solving a simple equation -_- I'm pretty sure I have ADD lol
Oh, and I also feel dumb because everyone is panicking about coronavirus in my city while I get salty about a mobile card game 😐
Your bosses are kinda hard to evaluate without their decks (or at least an idea of what will those decks be).
Your cards are mostly alright, although there are a couple that should be reworked from scratch.
Il'gynoth can be quite interesting, but it's kinda hard to evaluate without a deck.
Elerethe Renferal seems boring. I guess it will be an Enrage Warrior, but his HP doesn't provide an interesting twist for it. Also, your corrupted spirit bear guy from Wing 2 (Ursoc?) also had an Enrage deck, so I'd suggest reworking your hero.
Cenarius can be interesting if both decks interact in some meaningful way. Flavor-wise, I think this encounter would be much cooler if you had a more fleshed-out story or if Cenarius was your expansion guide or something like that.
Lord Xavius is again very deck-dependant. I guess he will be an aggro deck that can't be out-aggroed because of his high HP?
Nightmare Golem isn't strong enough to justify running Demons in your deck, especially since there aren't Neutral 3-Cost Demons in Standard. I'd rework this card.
Recurring Nightmare is cool. It could have the risk of being OP, but Warlock isn't a spell-centric card, so it's fine.
Lingering Soul is neat, IMO.
Mind Twister is OP as hell in Paladin. You have Pharaoh's Blessing (still in Standard), Spikeridged Steed or Dinosize, which can summon a gigantic minion very early without much effort. I'd make it a 4 mana 2/2. Problem is, it'd be pretty bad in every other class except maybe Druid. Btw, what happens with spells that can't target your minions or that don't even have a target?
Zealous Sectator is quite alright.
Lord Xavius reminds me to Varian Wrynn, altough more high risk-high reward. It could be OP, but it's hard to know without playtesting it.
whatTheHeck's Treasures of VanCleef
In general:
Your bosses have really original concepts behind. 10/10.
Your cards are generally cool, despite having a slight tendency to make overly-complex stuff.
Artwork is definitively your weak spot, though. Several of your images are low resolution, already used in the game or not in-line with Hearthstone style. I'll underline these problems so that you can spot them better.
Abissal Commander Sivara is really cool. I really like her simmetric HPs. I think the best deck for her would be a Inner Fire Priest, since the AoE doesn't affect you as much (you have high Health minions) and the buff is pretty self-explanatory. I'd also add a couple Freeze and Poisnous cards, just for flavour. Finally, I'd change her artwork, since it doesn't fit Hearthstone style at all.
Ozumat is pretty cool. Not much to add.
Lord Slithim seems a bit OP. Maybe it'd be more balanced with something like "2 Mana. Play a copy of the last card your opponent played last turn." I like the twist of Vanessa.
Queen Azshara is very cool.
Impatient Guard is yet another interesting usage of Burst. That said, his effect suggests being Patient, rather than Impatient xD
Resourceful Naga is alright. You should change her artwork, because it is the same as Naga Sea Witch.
Sea Horror is a weird tech card. Not really sold on it.
I also prefer the 5 mana version of Resourceful Faceless. The 2 Mana version is way too complex and it has more than four lines of text.
Defias Squallhunter is a pretty interesting card, kinda like a big sister of Shieldbreaker. Her artwork is very low-res and is slightly unfit for Hearthstone, since it is too cartoony.
Corruption Figher is a bit scary. He kinda reminds me of Undertaker. At the very list, I'd change her effect to trigger on Play rather than Summon. He can be really obscene with Patches the Pirate and Parachute Brigadier, otherwise.
About Azshara, I prefer the Mind Raider version, but she has five lines of text. If you manage to reduce it to four, go with it. Otherwise, go with the Schemer version.
Now, I'm gonna list my changes, based on your feedback:
Grommash Hellscream (Hero)
(Grommash starts with the 1/3 Gorehowl equiped)
Initially, Gromm's attack buffs were supposed to work even during your turn, so his HP was both offensive and defensive.
However, given both of you didn't like this double nature, plus the fact that it was ambiguous, I decided to go for the weapon option instead.
As a fun fact, there's still a Boss that can have attack during your turn: Heroic Mannoroth.
Fel Horde
Not much to add here. The comparison with Saronite Chain Gang made me realise how OP this card was. Therefore, it no longer takes heroes into consideration.
The only problem is that this card no longer fits into Gromm's deck, but whatever.
Fel Blademaster (still not sure about this change, so I'd like some feedback)
Not really sure what to do here. Again, the new version loses synergy with the Grommash hero, but that shouldn't be a decisive factor.
Other cards I'm watching: Dire Fel Orc and Mannoroth
As with Fel Horde, I might change his effect to only benefit from minion damage. This way, he would be a minion that greatly benefits from trading, so he'd be less aggro in nature.
This card wasn't designed to be good, honestly, more like some sort of meme card.
However, there's one interaction that kinda bothers me: Sacrifical Pact. As a Warlock, you could play Mannoroth when you have board advantage and then sacrifice him for ultimate value. However, you need to have board advantage after your opponent's turn, which is very hard. So, not really sure if this interaction is broken or fine.
Alright, I'll post my work so far and I'll give some feedback later.
Conquest of Draenor
Wing 5: The Hellfire Citadel
The prevalence of Broken and even Lost Ones in the Shadowmoon Valley can only mean the demons have already started to corrupt Draenor with their Fel magic.
The Alliance arrives at the Hellfire Citadel, where the Pit Lord Mannoroth awaits.
Showcase cards :
Boss 1: Grommash Hellscream
Grommash' deck will feature several cards that damage your hero.
Rewards (Class challenge: Warrior)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss 2: Gara
Face Hunter, obviously. No cards that synergize with the Hero Power, though.
Oh, and she'll have several Wolf minions.
Heroic Hero Power
Boss 3: Mannoroth
He will probably have some sort of midrange-zoo deck, so that he can protect his minions with his huge face. Oh, and he has a Battlegrounds minion in his deck :)
Heroic Hero Power and Exclusive Minion
Boss 4: Lord Garithos
Remember Garithos in last wing? Well, this is his version after drinking Mannoroth's blood. Instead of giving a minion Divine Shield, he destroys it, gaining much more life in the process.
Garithos' deck will be a Control oriented one, but it'll feature several Imp cards, as well as some Deathrattles.
Just a heads-up, I'm shortening the final phase a little bit (ends on the 14th). I will then extend if necessary at that point in time.
I believe we should get the same amount of time this round, if not more. After all, we have the most amount of work so far: 4 bosses + make the thread (which will usually have the previous wings in most cases)
Precisely because people had invested money in those cards, they must be more careful when balancing Constructed. Messing up in that game mode can easily imply economic losses for the company.
I'd think tokens should be Tier 0. If you break a Rat Pack in your last attack, you should only take damage equal to your opponent's tavern tier.
Not sure if this should also apply to collectible spawns, though, since Shredder never deals a shitton of damage and Coiler's potential is somewhat offset by its high Tier.
Yeah sorry, didn't read the card properly lol
It has less stats and can't start with Divine Shield. It's actually a huge difference, IMO.
I'm pretty okay with the tie. Klipce's work was superb, so it's well deserved.
Btw, what are the current results showing?
Conquest of Draenor
Wing One: Terokkar Forest
The invasion begins at Terokkar Forest, home to many humanoid creatures such as the fierce Saberon or the mysterious Arakkoa.
Showcase Cards
Boss One: Brokenfang
Minions (19):
Spells (11):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Hunter)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Two: Hanukk the Ancient
Minions (15):
Spells (15):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Druid)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Three: Kirrik the Awakened
Minions (20):
Spells (10):
Heroic Hero Power
Wing Two: Warspear Citadel
The Alliance arrives to the Orcish capital of Warspear. However, the orcs they find there look different.
Showcase Cards
Boss One: Draka and Durotan
Boss Behaviour
Draka and Durotan switch places each turn. They share the same deck, hand and board, but have different Hero Power and Health. Once you defeat either of them, they will draw two cards, get 5 Armor and upgrade their Hero Power:
Minions (20):
Spells (6):
Weapons (4):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Shaman)
Heroic Hero Powers
Boss Two: Orgrim Doomhammer
Minions (12):
Spells (16):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Rogue)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Three: Ner'zhul
Minions (15):
Spells (13):
Weapons (2):
Heroic Hero Power
Wing Three: Holy City of Shattrath
After defeating the Orcs at Warspear Citadel, Garithos and his army arrive to the Holy City of Shattrath.
Even if Draenei tend to be dedicated Paladins just like Garithos, it's quite likely that they won't get along well...
Showcase Cards
Boss One: High Exarch Yrel
Minions (21):
Spells (4):
Weapons (5):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Paladin)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Two: Farseer Nobundo
Minions (12):
Spells (14):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Mage)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Three: A'dal
Minions (22):
Spells (8):
Heroic Hero Power
Wing Four: The Battle of Gorgrond
The Alliance arrive at the natural shrine of Gorgrond, an ancient jungle guarded by the Genesaurs.
However, they encounters three armies fighting to claim the place for themselves, so Garithos insists in doing the same.
Showcase Cards
Boss One: The Blooming Genesaur
Boss Behaviour
The Blooming Genesaur starts at three Mana.
Minions (15):
Spells (14):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Priest)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Two: Kataru
Minions (22):
Spells (8):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Warlock)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Three: Imperator Mar'gok
Minions (15):
Spells (14):
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Four: Akama the Sage (vs Lord Garithos)
Boss Behaviour
In the battle against Akama, you control Lord Garithos.
Be careful! Akama's deck is tailored against Garithos' playstyle!
Akama's Decklist
Minions (18):
Spells (8):
Weapons (4):
Garithos' Decklist
Minions (17):
Spells (7):
Weapons (3):
Heroic Hero Power
Wing Five: Hellfire Citadel
The prevalence of Broken and even Lost Ones can only mean the demons have already started to corrupt Draenor with their Fel magic.
The Alliance arrives at the Hellfire Citadel, where the Pit Lord Mannoroth awaits.
Showcase Cards
Boss One: Grommash Hellscream
Boss Behaviour
Grommash Hellscream starts with the 1/3 Gorehowl equiped.
Minions (18):
Spells (10):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Warrior)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Two: Gara
Minions (15):
Spells (15):
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Three: Mannoroth
Minions (20):
Spells (10):
Heroic Hero Power and Exclusive Minion
Boss Four: Lord Garithos
Garithos' Decklist
Minions (18):
Spells (10):
Weapons (2):
Heroic Hero Power
Conquest of Draenor
Showcase Cards
Boss One: Grommash Hellscream
Boss Behaviour
Grommash Hellscream starts with the 1/3 Gorehowl equiped.
Minions (18):
Spells (10):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Warrior)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Two: Gara
Minions (15):
Spells (15):
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Three: Mannoroth
Minions (20):
Spells (10):
Heroic Hero Power and Exclusive Minion
Boss Four: Lord Garithos
Garithos' Decklist
Minions (18):
Spells (10):
Weapons (2):
Heroic Hero Power
I was in the subway, playing Tavern Brawl and missed lethal by one. Could've easily killed the opponent if I had used Likkim + Lightning Storm instead of attacking with a the 2-attack weapon I had equiped. I mean, I was about to go into a train that has no Internet connection, so I had no time to make calculations, but I still feel so dumb.
This is kinda a recurring mistake. You see, when I was studying, I could easily understand complex math concepts, but then fuck up in the exam because of a sum or because I messed up with the sign when solving a simple equation -_- I'm pretty sure I have ADD lol
Oh, and I also feel dumb because everyone is panicking about coronavirus in my city while I get salty about a mobile card game 😐
Alright, here are my reviews.
Klipce's Emerald Dreams and Nightmares
In general:
whatTheHeck's Treasures of VanCleef
In general:
Now, I'm gonna list my changes, based on your feedback:
Grommash Hellscream (Hero)
(Grommash starts with the 1/3 Gorehowl equiped)
Initially, Gromm's attack buffs were supposed to work even during your turn, so his HP was both offensive and defensive.
However, given both of you didn't like this double nature, plus the fact that it was ambiguous, I decided to go for the weapon option instead.
As a fun fact, there's still a Boss that can have attack during your turn: Heroic Mannoroth.
Fel Horde
Not much to add here. The comparison with Saronite Chain Gang made me realise how OP this card was. Therefore, it no longer takes heroes into consideration.
The only problem is that this card no longer fits into Gromm's deck, but whatever.
Fel Blademaster (still not sure about this change, so I'd like some feedback)
Not really sure what to do here. Again, the new version loses synergy with the Grommash hero, but that shouldn't be a decisive factor.
Other cards I'm watching: Dire Fel Orc and Mannoroth
As with Fel Horde, I might change his effect to only benefit from minion damage. This way, he would be a minion that greatly benefits from trading, so he'd be less aggro in nature.
This card wasn't designed to be good, honestly, more like some sort of meme card.
However, there's one interaction that kinda bothers me: Sacrifical Pact. As a Warlock, you could play Mannoroth when you have board advantage and then sacrifice him for ultimate value. However, you need to have board advantage after your opponent's turn, which is very hard. So, not really sure if this interaction is broken or fine.
Alright, I'll post my work so far and I'll give some feedback later.
Conquest of Draenor
Showcase cards :
Boss 1: Grommash Hellscream
Grommash' deck will feature several cards that damage your hero.
Rewards (Class challenge: Warrior)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss 2: Gara
Face Hunter, obviously. No cards that synergize with the Hero Power, though.
Oh, and she'll have several Wolf minions.
Heroic Hero Power
Boss 3: Mannoroth
He will probably have some sort of midrange-zoo deck, so that he can protect his minions with his huge face. Oh, and he has a Battlegrounds minion in his deck :)
Heroic Hero Power and Exclusive Minion
Boss 4: Lord Garithos
Remember Garithos in last wing? Well, this is his version after drinking Mannoroth's blood. Instead of giving a minion Divine Shield, he destroys it, gaining much more life in the process.
Garithos' deck will be a Control oriented one, but it'll feature several Imp cards, as well as some Deathrattles.
Heroic Hero Power
I believe we should get the same amount of time this round, if not more. After all, we have the most amount of work so far: 4 bosses + make the thread (which will usually have the previous wings in most cases)
A Battlegrounds exclusive murloc.
Precisely because people had invested money in those cards, they must be more careful when balancing Constructed. Messing up in that game mode can easily imply economic losses for the company.
I'd like to see Stealth added to the game as some sort of anti-Taunt.
I'd think tokens should be Tier 0. If you break a Rat Pack in your last attack, you should only take damage equal to your opponent's tavern tier.
Not sure if this should also apply to collectible spawns, though, since Shredder never deals a shitton of damage and Coiler's potential is somewhat offset by its high Tier.
I made an Expansion with similar theme a while ago, but this one is much better executed. Good job!
Conquest of Draenor
Showcase Cards
Boss One: The Blooming Genesaur
Battle Explanation
The Blooming Genesaur starts at three Mana.
Minions (15):
Spells (14):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Priest)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Two: Kataru
Minions (22):
Spells (8):
Rewards (Class Challenge: Warlock)
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Three: Imperator Mar'gok
Minions (15):
Spells (14):
Heroic Hero Power
Boss Four: Akama the Sage (vs Lord Garithos)
Battle Explanation
In the battle against Akama, you control Lord Garithos.
Be careful! Akama's deck is tailored against Garithos' playstyle!
Akama's Decklist
Minions (18):
Spells (8):
Weapons (4):
Garithos' Decklist
Minions (17):
Spells (7):
Weapons (3):
Heroic Hero Power