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Great combo with Mark of Y'Shaarj in early game.
4/4 Beast + Draw a card - at second turn.
This card will be huge in the future.. solid opens for druid will spell trouble for years to come. Mark My Words! #KLANVEGA
You were so wrong.
Edgar Allan Brode strikes again!
Actually it was Menagerie Warden. There are many versions of Beast Druid, and this bird is not in all of them.
Such raven.Much creativity.WoW.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.
Raptors loveeee chicken
is this the three eye raven from game of thrones or just a normal 2 eyes raven???
This card is probably a reference to the fact that Medivh can shapeshift into a raven. So, just two eyes.
This card is power creep on Claw. lol.
This card opens up so many paths for the druid:
1) Amazing early game plays! After zombie cho left with the rotation, we started relying more on class cards to get a good early. Druid already have living roots in his arsenal, which means we can have a very consistant early game if you can moligan to any one of your early game plays.
2) Beast druid? This combo alone of raven and mark can prove to be strong enough to make 2 marks viable, which means putting beasts is suddenly better. I think that we just need one more beast synergy and this deck will become crazy viable.
3) God forbid, but maybe aggro, this card is annoying to get rid of because he has more than one hp, but the fact that he has 2 damage can cause a really long term damage. I can easily see the raven dishing an average of 6 damage a game if played on turn 1, which is pretty close to how the leper gnome faired in aggro.
This card might be able to give druid another push forward.
This card with living roots could give Druid some of the best early game in Hearthstone, which will really help the class across the board in dealing with aggro.
"Dealing with aggro"
Malfurion will succumb and BECOME AGGRO! D:
most likely yah lol
this card for me is borderline "broken". There are many minion who can kill it turn 1 whitout major problems, yet this make almost any turn 1 1/2 minion unplayable agaisnt druid. But the true power of this card resides in the turn 2 mark of Y'shaarj on this thing, which can simply make this thing absurdly hard to remove.
Your right, but it could still be pretty good
The fact that is a beast is also a pretty big deal.
It does trade evenly or worse with most one drops in the meta, but it kills most two drops in the meta.
1-drops it trades evenly with = Argent Squire, Possessed Villager, Living Roots, Flame Imp, Abusive Sergeant, Fiery Bat, Selfless Hero
1-drops it kills = N'Zoth's First Mate (kind of),
1-drops this plus hero power kills = Tunnel Trogg, Mana Wrym, Northshire, Void Walker
2-drops it kills = Hero power minions, Knife Juggler, Flame Tongue Totem, Druid of the Sabre, Undercity Huckster, Elekk, Tempo Mage girls
2-drops it gets killed by = Darnassus, Totem Golem
This card is not that impressive tbh. We're going to see this same thing with +1 health or attack eventually due to power creep.
I doubt this alone would make Beast Druid viable, and if beast druid becomes viable, this may not even be in the deck.
I could see this going both ways. It can become a staple, or it can be another one of those 'dust it' cards. Depends on what else comes out.
Just because it has not affected 1-drops, does not mean it will not in future.
Also I was not implying this was powercreep. I am merely stating that I am sure in future we will see a 2/3 or a 3/2 with no downside, it will probably be in druid aswell.