Floating Watcher
Card Text
Whenever your hero takes damage on your turn, gain +2/+2.
Flavor Text
"Evil Eye Watcher of Doom" was the original name, but marketing felt it was a bit too aggressive.
Card Sounds
Whenever your hero takes damage on your turn, gain +2/+2.
"Evil Eye Watcher of Doom" was the original name, but marketing felt it was a bit too aggressive.
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okay but this is just that one boss in dungeon run
Patches when he's not in charge
Combo with blingtron?
Don't forget Pit Lord.
this guy becomes really OP if you left him on his own
I do think this is completely usable card in warlock, I like him in my constructed deck, also pretty sick in arena
Whoa, this is a pretty strong common.
Why not "Observer" like it's graphic suggests?
Finally I have a reason to hurt myself. Thanks Blizz
Intresting, does pay/lose life count as damage? this will be important later when even more cards will come out,
This card will be totally unusable if it doesn't.
I think this card is rlly good. lookin at how much stuff the warlock has to hurt himself lets see, 2 dread infernals, 2 hellfires, flame imps, life tap, pit lord and all that. The only problem I can find with this card is that both of the legendaries of warlock don't go together with this card. malganis doesn't work for obvious reasons (immunity) and jaraxxus isn't that good with this card as u are set at 15 max HP.
I've been waiting for this card! I love demon combo decks and this one is a perfect addition. Imagine making this one pump up to 8/8 and playing Demonheart in the next round.
Mad n' Madder Bomber Value~~~