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I really like Amani War Bear - it's a very playable card in some classes, like Druid. It's almost like Crowd Roaster, but to be honest, you're probably going to be left with a worse body after it attacks compared to Crowd Roaster. Still, not all classes can support dragons, so there's definitely room for Amani War Bear in some decks, especially with the beast tag. Taunt gives it a very small upside. It's probably better than Argent Commander, but only by a little in most decks and that's not saying much when the bear costs 1 one more mana. I feel like you need to take advantage of the beast tag for the Amani War Bear to really become much better than something like Argent Commander.
Always nice to see a fellow bear
I think this card is a great card for all of the Big archetypes with Oondasta. May even see play in a recruit warrior deck.
Can see this in the beast druid deck, resummoned by hadronex
Underrated because of the best archetype in the game, JUNGLE GIANTS.
next rotation, becomus shito
Not sure if pack filler or arena card. Would be interesting to see it being played.
Definetly a good arena card. In theory, this could exist in some sort of Deathrattle Hunter or even Resurrect Priest or Taunt Druid (although the beast tag is an issue), the problem is that there are so many other things that are far better than it that it just won't make the cut.
I will rush face all day with my Amani War Bear!
The stars align!
Why do taunts need rush?! Looks like Furious Ettin but 2-less health.
Taunt that can value trade first. Powerhouse in arena, hard to say if people would want this in constructed. Though it might see fringe play like in quest warrior.
Beast tag for beast synergy, rush and taubt for board control, 5-Attck for stopping most minions that cost <6 mana, also Quest Druid synergy!
I think this might see play. It's like a cross between Charged Devilsaur and Witchwood Grizzly.
Well at least in Arena it will crush.
I think this card is being underestimated. It's a great card for Hadronox to ressurrect, with immediate board impact. Not a fit for all Tier 1 decks, but I think this has some real potential in big druid.
Edit: big druid, not taunt druid
Sorry, i meant Big Druid, which does not run Witching Hour and would actually have a decent droo if they were to use Psychmelon
Arena card?
Who remembers when Zul'Aman hit the servers? LF ZA MOUNT RUN NO WEAK DPS MUST KNOW WHAT TO DO!
Technically it's a 7 mana 6/6 Rush Taunt minion when it is played, it feels weird to have both taunt on a minion that is supposed to be played offensively into minions. If it had 4/8 in stats instead I think it could be better as a more defensive-like card against somewhat smaller minions like Saronite Chain Gang.