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Lumberjack's hatchet would have been a much better name for this card imo.
Well, a wasp with rush and 2 attack enrage on turn one and then this would be quite something especially if said enrage is triggered on a small one drop. 5/3 beasty ready to attack on turn two with that weapon too would be pirate war amounts of damage.
actually i'd be much better if they had redesigned fiery waraxe like that and gave us a better midrange weapon for 4 mana then bloodrazor. like 4/2 or 3/3... a class card broken like fiery waraxe feels rly bad...
bloodrazer is one of the strongest weapons in the game wtf are you talking about
Can we get a 1 mana, 3 attack Hatchet with one charge?
At least we have a reliable turn 2 weapon for Warrior again.
This is a good card. Reminds me a lot of Powermace, and that card carried Mech Shaman as a viable meta-tech deck. Only problem is unlike mechs rush cards are not that strong on it's own, and there currently isn't a 3 mana rush card you can play on curve after this weapon. If there was a good 3-mana rush card, then I can see this card being good in Tempo Warrior, since it's not a huge deal if you can't get the buff off, but you do need some high-roll factor to make this card a staple.
Hopefully we get a playable 3 Mana Rush minion so that Woodcutter's Axe can swing twice and pop on Turn 3. Right now all we have is the questionable 2 Mana 1/3 Wasp that becomes a 3/4 after Axe, in addition to Crowley on Turn 5.
Militia Commander drops on turn 4. Still not turn 3, but better than Crowley.
Darius Crowley loves it. As do I.
It's a Fire Wood Axe!
This is incredibly strong in tandem with Darius crowley, it gives him extra survivability along with the ability to take down higher health minions
I miss Fiery War Axe :(
It's a solid weapon nothing much to say about it it's technically a 2 mana 4/3 weapon with those stats, this might even be good enough to be n auto include in the majority of decks, given you play it with the same mindset as playing bloodrazor can play it along side that... 4 mana 2/6 enrage taunt... that name i have forgotten, effectively making it a 4/7 taunt that can quickly kill something and gain that sweet buff making it one hell of a mean minion on turn 4, would be.. a 7/5 ish on 4 if it kills a 2 cost other wise it'll on average be a 7/4 ot 7/3 taunt which is alright
Card is great. we'll see this alot i bet
Rip read it wrong then. but it's still a good card, we seen a few rush minions for warrior and this'll jus tmake em better the redband wasp might not actually end up a crappy card then.
This weapon is great. The only thing that can make Rush work with warrior. I hope for more synergies in the rest of unshown cards!
Heeeeerrrrrree's Crowley!!!
It's a cheap weapon, and giving extra attack to minions meant for mid range removal is pretty good. I think this card could work with enough Rush cards in the deck.