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Does anyone else hear "Sucker beat me" when this card is played?
Why do i always hear him say "suck on these d***"
kinda that's what i hear too
Lol what is he saying exactly? All i hear is "tata bing bing"
What do they say when played?
Richard Steven Horvitz anyone? The voice sounds like his, anyway.
Still no mentions of "stand powers" and "jojo references"
67% of a Doppelgangster for 60% of the cost. Now that Warlock has hand-buff cards, that's not bad at all.
How long this will go on? imp version
Prince Keleseth's disciple
Saronite Chain Gang's cousin
Le Zoo happy family
Happy as Happy Ghoul is
Oh shit i think i have been corrupted by the meme... too much ZooLUL this season.
Echoing Ooze but you can only buff it in hand before it duplicates itself, which is always a bad thing. This makes Void Analyst better and might be viable though.
Looks like Landscaping, and Druid seems to always get great cards, so this has to be good! Seriously, though, the synergies with Void Analyst and Soul Infusion make Doubling Imp a formidable card.
Good target for Soul Infusion. Another strong addition to the Zoolock arsenal.
Let's tech more board clears then.
Since we're hand buffing demons now, this card gets even more powerful 4/4 worth of stats for 3 mana is good but stronger than that makes the card really valuable. I like it.
So Warlock is gonna buff this, play it for 2 copies, then zoo the control to death.
Doublimp. I apologize, I'm tired.