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Buff it too 0/10
Oh i never rly paid much attention to the art ... i get it now :D Public Defender ... cute :D
This card is actually cool
Is it a lady?
What, no mention of the Goons hand buffing? For shame.
does work with taunt buff cards!
You'll love my new recipe.
I'm actually pretty optimistic about this card! Doomsayer works because a lot of times your opponent can't clear it when you play it on turn 2 or 3. If they couldn't clear a Doomsayer, they can't clear this, so you could very easily have a Shieldbearer or Target Dummy left over for your next turn. You can also coin this out T1 and control the board with your Axe on T2. This could also be nice to toss in front of an Armorsmith or Frothing Berserker.
What's important to consider about this card is, it has 7 stats and Taunt for only 2 mana. This would be a 3 mana card with basically any other distribution of those 7 stats, so any buffs on this card will essentially give it an extra mana's worth of value.
This one is much, much worse than Doomsayer. The great thing about Doomsayer is it's ability to not just prevent some face damage, but prevent your opponent from developing his board (if he can't clear it on turn 2 or 3 when Doomsayer is played, which is the case most of the times, he will be forced to waste his entire turn by not dropping anything on the board). So, it's a huge tempo swing in your favour at the early game, which is crucial against aggro and midrange.
This Taunt 0/7, though seeming similar on paper because of the stats and mana cost, won't prevent your opponent from developing his board, making it really bad compared to Doomsayer. No, I definitely don't see this one been played when Doomsayer is a clear better anti-aggro tech card. That is unless a new taunt Warrior archetype is created, or maybe not even then.
What it will do instead is prevent your opponent from killing your valuable combo minion. Doomsayer will not do this because he will kill it himself.
"You shall not pass... without the proper paperwork."
He might be a worthwhile stall if he had 3 more HP or 1 ATK.
Is he defending himself with a wallet? XD
Crying heavily.
One could argue that is a class card but still 2 mana worth for just 1 attack.
Well, the difference between 1 attack and 0 is huge. I think Silverback Patriarch cries more when compared with Voidwalker.
The worth for neutral cards and class cards is calculated differently...
Well, arena warrior just got fucked over.
now bolster can be used! oh wait..
So does Blizzard hate Warrior this expansion? Sure seems like it...
i think they're trying to give them new archetypes, but people don't want new archetypes