Card Text
Give your Taunt minions +2/+2.
Flavor Text
The best offense is a good defense.
Give your Taunt minions +2/+2.
The best offense is a good defense.
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Bolster OP
Best Arena Card Ever! Kappa.
Great card. Give +2 +2 to taunts in the early game it´s so insane. Hello, Hello, Hello!
Giving your minions +2/+2 for 2 mana is kinda broken. There are plenty of starts with this card that are solid. Here are two examples:
Going first: Turn 1 Goldshire Footman into Target Dummy (maybe even two). Turn two bolster. You now have a 3/4 taunt and one, maybe two 2/4 taunts.
Going second (not against a Mage, Druid, or Rogue): Turn 1 Wisp into Coin into Sparring Partner. Turn two Bolster. You now have a 5/4 taunt and a 3/3 taunt turn 2, assuming no Target Dummy is played.
Shoutouts to cheap taunts like Goldshire Footman or Target Dummy now actually having a place in decks.
This has to be in the top 3 best looking golden animations in the game 0.0
The golden version of this card looks awesome. Can't wait to try taunt warrior!
oh my god the golden version looks amazing. im making a taunt warrior deck. and im going to make it work. just because how amazing it looks
That is the coolest gold card I've seen
The interesting thing about this and other cards is that it shows that each class is going for a different direction.
Warriors are going more "deffensive", Mages more "borad control-ish", Paladin got cards related to control games, Rogues more "combo-ish", druids and hunters have more cards related to beats etc.
Interesting stuff...
It's true, I DID want more Annoyatron in my life.
Hogger warrior...
Hogger would need to generate at least 2 taunts to get value from this card. If its 1 taunt, this is no different than Mark of the Wild, which hasn't been played competitively in a long time.
Turn 1: Skip
Turn 2: Play 7 target dummies and bolster GG WP VALUERRRR
Maybe if there was some card like force of nature that spawned a bunch of taunt minions with charge.....
I thought about this, just planning something around...
where did that picture come from?
During this encounter there was charging and throwing everyone around the arena. Nothing similar to taunt.
Sounds more like charge/enrage
Combo with deathbite and double dread corsair into 2 mana 2 5/5 taunts. Insane tempo play.
The Black Knight is going to be my new BFF