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Woah, this is insane with a The Caverns Below quest and N'Zoth, the Corruptor deck. Being deathrattle, it also comes back with N'zoth, but as 5/5's! Along with the tokens being 5/5's! Not only are they good for the quest but imaging the tokens as 1 mana, they are perfect combo activators! Much better combo activator then those toilet paper thin Razorpetals at least. Along with the small Fire Fly you've got an easier way to pump out the quest. And a bit more reliable then having to bounce back certain minions or praying Mimic Pod lands. The only question is what variation of deathrattle rogue would be good enough to draw and play fast enough before the other classes complete their quests.
if you put 2 of those in your deck u have garenteed The Carvens Below quest
I think this is the card Quest Rogue needed to make it consistent enough to work :O
An elemental Quest Rogue with this and Fire Fly sounds preeeeeetty tasty. That's 6 Flame Elementals without using any bounce or duplicating effects. And each of those lil guys is a 1 mana combo activator. Toss in Tar Creeper and Tol'vir Stoneshaper for the elemental taunt synergies and I'd say this has a pretty good chance to be a successful deck!
and once you're done those guys are now 5/5s to stomp in on the board
great for shaman elemental deck to allow elemental synergy the following turn while allowing the shaman to do stuff the current turn
Shaman already have unbound and hot spring for turn 3, and there are other good 1 drops.
I prefer Gourmet Emperor Khaiza or Goblin Mage but this has elemental synergy so maybe ?
this card is just perfect for rogue quest
It's nice for rogue too since those tokens will be awesome for combo.
I'd say a 99% chance of it.
Fire Fly and Flame Geyser both used "1/2 Elemental" in their text as well to describe Flame Elemental, and this guy actually has a tiny Flame Elemental in the corner of his art so I'd say it's confirmed!
Looking forward to the animation card
I have a possible synergy idea for this card, primarily involving the 1/2 elementals it produces upon death. This, alongside firefly's tokens, could help with the rogue Quest.
Deathrattle cards sounds like something that doesn't fit well because rogues would preferably want to bounce re-summon battlecry minions, but considering the 1 mana 1/2s that are useful for and after the quest I'd consider this an exception.