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i would like it more as redband wisp
This will forever be Fluffy Wasp to me!
"We're removing Enrage because it isn't used enough, now here's some cards with Enrage!"
Why is it confusing? It essentially reads "Rush. Enrage: +3 Attack".
they removed enrage go look at their website they had a post on it
Oh good, no more enrage dailies :)
Might be the only Oke'ish Warrior card so far.
Could provide some utility in an enrage deck. You can ping your opponent's Righteous Protector on turn 2 or wait and combo with a whirlwind effect for 2 mana - deal 4 damage to a minion.
The card art is so badass. Looks like a kaiju or something from Yu-Gi-Oh!
I'm enraged by the card text.
Im a huge idiot fml...
Good against 2/1 one drops maybe :)
Ok in arena
That's it! His actual name is Enraged Wasp.
Warrior will get a card that is all your Rush minions have +1 Attack.
This card is basically a Shiv but instead of drawing a card, you get a 4/2 body as a best case scenario, which on paper is pretty good, but realistically, isn't very practical. For this card to be really good tho, you need to be going first and this needs to remove a 1/1.
I can see some decent synergies with existing cards so far, Animated Berserker is good,Inner Rage is great, Whirlwind is decent, and on later turns Warpath and Bladestorm is good. The problem is that the former 3 cards are not really that strong on their own, and we don't know about Warpath for sure. So you have to put at least 2 subpar cards in your deck (Fluffy Wasp and say, Inner Rage) in order to have a good combo that isn't directly impactful to the game or impactful at all. As of now, this overall isn't more than playable.
Maybe Blizzard knew people would be afraid of fighting an enraged wasp
Umm why didn’t they use Enrage keyword?
maybe so the skill can trigger more than once, like Gurubashi Berserker?
No it's not like gurubashi, they said that they were getting rid of the enrage keyword. Idk why.