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96,8% did not see the Moonfire/Claw combo incoming
Found an OP deck with this card!!
Now that the Druid quest has been revealed I feel like this card went up from mediocre to pretty damn playable. The stats for the mana cost aren't great but it seems to have a lot of synergies with the other recently revealed cards. And it counts towards getting barnabas..so not bad.
so far every minion that can adapt itself requires a condition to be met in order to adapt the minion. in fact every card with adapt has a condition in some form. this card however requires nothing in order to adapt it and druid has ways to give it two adapts. kind of makes me think this card could be better then we realize, but maybe not, who knows until the expansion comes out. we have to keep in mind that we have never had the adapt mechanic in hearthstone before so this keyword could be really bad, ok or really broken.
i wish blizzard would understand that if you want deck diversity on ladder, you actually have to print good cards for different archetypes. This is utter garbage if blizzard wanted to make adapt druid work. Guess im gonna have to give jades a shot if i dont see any better cards for druid.
does this count as power creep because of lost tallstrider or is it disqualified because class card? (for the bingo)
Given the fact that this cost 1 more than Lost Tallstrider I wouldn't call it powercreep. Gentle Megasaur on the other hand...
Both the Class card (Voidwalker =/= Goldshire Footman) It's 5 mana, but yeah as Richardios says Gentle Megasaur is strictly better).
good mechanic, bad stats.
Adapt could be very good if HS releases card like Bran Bronzebeard that has effect: ''Your adapt minions trigger their battlecry twice'' :) i'm really looking forward for Un'Goro because this meta is $hit! #FaceIsThePlace #FeelsBadMan
Acy Card Ratings/Predictions
1 star/ 5 stars
Prediction stability: 95%
This card is bad, however, it is the new adept mechanic that makes the upcoming cards interesting. Though never top tier, beast druid might work their way back in with this new mechanic (of course the new druid cards needs to be way powerful than this).
1/5 is way too low to say with 95% certainty. In a vaccuum it's not too great but with things like meangerie warden can be crazy value if you get the buffs you want, and you can even protect verdant with stealth/untargetable to insure value.
Beast druid needs some better early drops to fight aggro but 1/5 is crazy low. The average outcome of this card is mediocre by itself.
I'm pretty sure the first one will have +3 health, and the second one will have taunt. Minions never interact with other minions unless stated so.
Please don't dismiss the card so sooon it's just rightly priced.. which is bad for constructed since you only want broken cards.. but maybe the beast tag is actually relevant here..
Nah gentle magasaur only works for other murlocs, no murlocs on board= a yeti which is why it can get away with being a 5/4 for 4. It's still surprisingly good but it's conditional on you snowballing murlocs.
Verdant always adapts itself so if it was 4 mana it'd be blatantly powercreeped, since most outcomes would be way overvalued than anything else at 4 mana would get you and at worst it would be equal to what 4 would get. Not even factoring beast synergy with meangerie warden or new cards.
No self adapting minion is going to have normal stats for it's cost. You won't even see a 4 mana 4/4 adapt because it's still alarmingly good on a lot of outcomes.
I agree class cards can be better but even as a class card a 4 mana 5/4 or 4/5 is still like blatantly overcosted, the adapts are roughly one mana in a vaccum and you're just giving it to a yeti for free. Even for a class card that's a little too derpy. It's in the same vein as drakonid operator and arguably worse. I think a healthy upgrade for a class cards is like half a mana crystal which is slightly better stats but not getting a keyword for free, because then you're just destroying your own stat baselines. So Maybe I can see a 4 mana 4/4 given to a class that needs a good minion in that slot to be viable, but no more. And that still kinda of reminds me what Blizzard did to dragon priest with Drakonid operator which I'm not a fan of that kind of balancing mentality.
Keep in mind tribal tags are deceptively valuable so it does matter when considering the cost of this creature.
Is Verdant Longneck only viable in Beast Druid? We don't know yet. We can say Verdant Longneck is bad, but we can't say Gentle Megasaur is any better.
Just like Everyfin is a 0-mana +14/+14 spell. Not even the Innkeeper will let you build a board of murlocs.