Ogre Ninja
Card Text
50% chance to attack the wrong enemy.
Flavor Text
He didn't have the grades to get into ninja school, but his dad pulled some strings.
Card Sounds
50% chance to attack the wrong enemy.
He didn't have the grades to get into ninja school, but his dad pulled some strings.
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My favorite sound effects of all cards. So funny xD.
For such a sneaky ninja, it talks about which "ones' it's going to attack a lot...
This guy had to hit my opponent's face in arena for lethal against a board of 5 minions.
Thank god he succeeded, ninja school must've payed off!
It's possible he had to hit face through taunt, in which case it would've mattered.
It's decent in oil rogue because it ensures you'll have a target for oil, and if you're going to clear board with blade flurry anyway the 50% random won't matter.
I think it's a very underrated card, because 1. it can attack through taunts, saved my life a couple times, 2. rouge has a lot of cheap removal spells, so you can go face with it very easily, I have double of him in my deck
The most adorable card/minion in the game. I love Ogre Magi and i love Ogre Ninja :3
-Sneaky! -Shuush quiet!
The art is adorable too
So my last arena run was as an aggro(ish) rogue, and I went 8-3. I used this card as a finisher in a few of the games. It's not terribly difficult to manage the luck. Full disclosure: I did lose my third game against a control (ish) druid on a swing from this fella. He had already swung twice, so he got great value even though he wasn't able to win me the game.
I honestly really liked this card.
50% chance to kill your opponent's concealed auctioneer?
Is this two headed as well? Well then it will be hard for this card to be stealthy because we all know two heads argue loud and a lot!
OP for the mana cost, better Stranglethorn Tiger. Arguably better trades too.
Lore wise Ogre Ninja's don't exist. Blizz pls.
That means Ogre Ninjas perfectly hide while doing their job.
Rogues already have a plethora of 5 drops. 2 Auctioneers, 2 Azure Drakes and 1 Loatheb.
I can see where you might want to drop 1 Azure Drake, and play this instead. Then cold blood the heck out of this and clear any opposing minions the following turn and hammer face.
Card could see some action. Survives the Auchenai Circle combo.
so just don't include this card into your decklist and stop crying, this card is insane
- Sneaky! Shoosh, quiet!
Maybe Control Rogue will be a thing? In a control deck this could be amazing.
Midrange/Tempo Rogue.
lol that art, the most unpredictable ninja of all time
Should be able to sneak past taunts and hit stealth? That isn't a bad effect at all..
Except they don't fit into the current Rogue decks, now here's to hoping that Rogue can be represented by something other than Miracle on the ladder.