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Anything with 4 attack is pretty solid against priests too. Not that priests are usually in the habit of running a board full of minions.
TIL that if you draw this card with Bright-Eyed Scout the cost is fixed to 5 and the discount of 2 does not work at all no matter how many minions your opponent has. I feel like this is not intended, and i hope it gets fixed.
See, this is the kind of tech needed to make Buff Pally work. Unfortunately there's not enough.
I'm wholeheartedly happy about the fact that this card became very playable. This is what tech cards should be!
God this card is annoy for aggro D:
Finally! we need more cards like this to create aggro counters.
Feels like this card should simply have been 6 mana / "Costs 1 less per enemy minion" to make it an interestingly useful card in many circumstances.
Well, you got your Rabble Bouncer now.
I feel like this card is going to fit in some Rogue decks.
Well i was expecting the same with Nerubian Prophet actually, which despite not being played on constructed, it turned out to be a preeety good card for Rogue in arena. Since Rogue has a potential to have huge tempo turns, same goes with this card too.
A silly example: Rogue going second, shaman going first.
Turn 1: Tunnel Trogg vs pass
Turn 2: Totem Golem vs Dagger Mastery
Turn 3: Totemic Call vs Second-Rate Bruiser, Backstab Tunnel Trogg, hit it with the weapon.
There you have a huge board lead. This might not look like a strong example but actually happens a lot. also it is a good counter against Tunnel Trogg -> Feral Spirit since it breaks the curve for shaman.
It can kill almost all early game minions in the game, can kill Barnes, Totem Golem, Azure Drake, Flamewaker etc... and the most important thing is, it can be played on turn 3. it is good.
Amazing counter to zoo and token, and slightly aggro. But requires them to be 70% of the decks you run into. So a midrange meta will make this kind of card useless.
Before zoo and token gets hyped with the released cards Blizzard releases a counter to it. >_<
Anti zoo/token hype.
I see it as a 3 mana counter to hand spam, if they play 3 minions in one turn, most likely they will all die to this card so it could easily be 3 for 1, for 3.
Tech card against Zoo, aggro paladin/hunter, brings memories of Deathlord as counter to early flood decks. Probably one copy to counter if meta continues to rely on small difficult to kill minions. Regular stat line is below average for mana cost which is a shame, rather see it with 1 more health and we would be talking extra value here (being too careful not to replace druid of claw is not doing any favors, that card still has added flexibility).
Bring on the Taunt Warriors. I wonder if someone is gonna make a Taunt Warrior deck styled around the Chess Boss Battle with cards like these. That would be so cool.
Upgraded Cyclopian Horror. Same amount of stats as long as there's 3 enemy minions on board, but still valuable if there's not. I'm sure this card won't see any play except, probably, in blizzards dream taunt warrior, but i'm happy such card is coming, cause it's a nice anti-aggro tool, which might affect on aggressive decks population even if not being played by anyone. Also, could be discovered by I Know a Guy to survive early pressure
What's the difference between 'at least three minions' & 'three or more minions'? I like the latter more tbh...
Thank you Blizzard!
If you need to play this card against your opponents, even if you get to summon it at a discount, I doubt that 4 attack is going to matter much since they're just going to be suiciding themselves at the thing anyways. Sen'jin Shieldmasta seems to be pretty close to whatever niche this card is trying to fill. Not super impressed