Murloc Knight
Card Text
Inspire: Summon a random Murloc.
Flavor Text
Hee hee! Look at his cute little feet.
Card Sounds
Inspire: Summon a random Murloc.
Hee hee! Look at his cute little feet.
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This cards just got nerfed a lot of times, because they made much more low stated Murlocs. I remember back in TGT when i played him he always summoned himself :D
card hasn't aged well, maybe the new murloc will help, except that that gets balanced out with the Blowgill Sniper
Summon a random Murloc Knight
Just played an arena game where I came back from behind in the midgame, thanks to my Murloc Knight summoning another Murloc Knight. The second one gets Polymorphed, then my opponent plays Faceless Summoner, which summoned a Murloc Warleader. I probably would have conceded too if this happened to me.
Absolutely love this card's Golden animation. So cute haha.
Then again, I also love the animation on Huge Toad. All the toads/frogs get neat ones lol
solid card and the golden animation is so good aswell :D
As of 4/29, the valiant frog rider can summon Old Murk-Eye in standard. I had it happen twice; much to my surprise!
Such a troll card. By far my favorite card right now. It is hilarious when you end up spawning another Murloc Knight. 10/10 card. hahaha
I hate this card. Has caused me to lose so many times.
That facepalm moment when Murloc Knight summons another Murloc Knight.
Haha I know that feel... I'd like to see a little nerf on that side tho.
They actually buffed that scenario lol. Murloc knight, hero power into another murloc knight, vilefin inquisitor to reset hero power, silver hand murloc, GURBLARGBLAUR
Your 2 random murlocs are murloc warleaders
This card is so ridiculous good !!! If u can hold it for two turns, it gg!!
Good ol Murloc Knight will be nerfed when LOE comes out... new 1/1 and 1/2 crap Murlocs are being added to the pool of possible results from the Inspire effect. :/
I have to disagree a little. while getting the 1/1 and 1/3 aren't great stat wise they still like all merlocs gain the benefits of Grimscale and Warleader. and the effect of the 1/3 when played form your hand i think actually makes this card so much better and you get the merloc without having to take up board space for the 1/1 which in merloc decks is actually very useful as you tend to fill your board pretty easily.