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This will honestly most likely not see play, considering that you wouldn't usually need more than one Whirlwind in a turn unless you trying to clear, and in that case you could just use Reckless Flurry. Very niche, and I just can't get behind it.
I would like to disagree, I think its a great edition, its mainly a once off card (unless your running a combo deck with Frothing Berserker or Blackhowl Gunspire
Reckless Flurry hurts you sometimes a lot, stripping 6 armor to AoE a board full of 3 and 4 hp minions isn't worth it sometimes + having that 6 armor extra could be the difference between life and death in some matches.
This can also let you save a Brawl for the later big boards in a control style warrior, in the case where the board is a mid size board 1 whirlwind can't cut it but 3-4 casts of this can.
It also can not be eaten by Skulking Geist unlike Whirlwind
what if Emperor Thaurissan it and manage to bring it to 0 cost? can use it until time`s up?
btw, I think this is good for self hurt warrior
Pretty sure Echo adds a base copy, so it won't carry the discount. If it did carry the discount, then yes you could use this until time was up.
This is correct, echo returns the base card without anything attached to it.
EG: no Emperor discount, No handbuffs (for minions)
Very versatile and flexible. Good card.
I think some people are forgetting that this card has heavy synergies with the Warrior class in general. Rather than it being (for example) a 6 mana spell that says 'Deal 3 damage to all minions', it does it in 3 hits. This means it's good friends with Frothing Berserker, Armorsmith, Rotface, etc. and fits into the Control Warrior archetype very well, not to mention its flexibility. If Control Warrior becomes a viable archetype again in this expansion, this will be a core card.
This is pretty much every board removal that does damage
but it doesn't do damage to face
seems gud
Warpath is pretty good... it's 8 mana to deal 4 to the board. So basically, it's almost on parity with flamestrike... but it's a hell of a lot more flexible and can be used on turn 1, 2 and 4 against aggro. It also can cause multiple procs to some of your synergy cards. I would say the card is better than flamestrike. It's also better than Consecration - it's literally the same thing except for lethal cases, but it has way more flexibility. AND this card makes Warrior so much better in arena too. Pretty sweet. Definitely not a loser.
With the Echo now revealed to keep the copies in hand instead of disappearing this is now even better. You have a perpetual AoE, and if everything is *always* damaged; King Mosh has a full stomach.
Mea Culpa: Peter just confirmed to me on twitter that they do work like I originally thought and do disappear at the end of turn. Oh well would have been really really good if this stayed in your hand.
No, they don’t. The point I was making was that unstable evolution is slightly different in a technical way (the temporary card has different text). The temporary Echo card has the same text as the original. Work the same. They’re both temporary and go away at end of the turn."
After hearing how echo works this looks to be a good but not great card. This is a 2 mana Whirlwind you can play as long as you have the mana and the next turns as well, but this card will not work with dead mans hand, as it come back after you play it so you're deck would jest become this card. will be fun to see if a full deck war uses this as a board clear, as doing 1 to 5 damage to the broad can save you some times but as an even only card, i do not think this will save the deck. But we do not yet know what the even leg for war is so who knows.
Even if that were the case, you just clear the board every turn and eventually fatigue your opponent. or they concede. Not an overly fast or fun way to win, but if they can't stick anything...
NVM the point is moot, cards disappear.
Kinda of annoying it won't fit with baku, but I guess it'd be too good if control warrior could use this and tank up
it's really solid. Glad to see this is not a minion otherwise I will cry out "OP"
People saying this is a bad card, becuase they are comparing to Flamestrike, Hellfire, etc... But the card is really flexible, and honestly, Revenge was played in control warrior and most of the time it was only a 1 dmg aoe.
Sometimes you can just use it as a Consecration or 8mana Flamestrike in the lategame, your choice... I think this card is very good, if there is a control warrior deck around.
Thing about Warpath is that it is kinda
2 mana Whirlwind
Or Defile where you need to pay for extra ticks but don't need to do math
Or 4 mana Volcanic Potion
Or 6 mana Hellfire which doesn't hit face
Or 8 mana Flamestrike with downside
Or 10 mana Felfire Potion that doesn go face
Or 10 mana Dragonfire Potion that also kills dragons
Or 8-10 mana Elemental Destruction which paid upfront instead of overload.
Or a card that is not better than DK Hero Power.
But the flexibility that it can be any of those thing in single card is pretty nice... Also has insane synergy with spell power (though I suppose so does Defile but not other aoe)
It'll be especially useful in a self-damaging Warrior with cards like: Acolyte of Pain, Armorsmith, Rotface, Grommash Hellscream, and other enrage-type cards.