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This card is so freaking good i love it
its like a cultist that synergises well with any cards because its a battlecry and not a random deathrattle
Have 2 or more = 7 wins or more in arena. Look at this. 3th drop with 8 hp. This card is so broken.
Balanced card Kappa
Tier 1 in arena
perfectly balanced -_-
Trades with Magma Rager
Forever young, I want to be forever young...
<script>// <![CDATA[ window.post_1481626625355_6 = function(win,msg){ win.postMessage(msg,"*"); } // ]]></script> <script>// <![CDATA[ window.post_1481626627528_24 = function(win,msg){ win.postMessage(msg,"*"); } // ]]></script>Well I called this. Without a broken 2 drop this card will see little play. Hopefully people realize this unlike when this card was announced.
Wow it's too bad this sees 2-of in every single dragon priest to date :O
Even if this card were garbage, I'd love it for the aesthetics. I absolutely adore the Arakkoa in WoW, and this art is gorgeous.
Easily new 3-drop staple for priest, dragon or not.
You thought Dark Cultist was the hell of a 3drop back in Naxx Times - but Wow - Kabal Talonpriest is Dark Cultist on Steroids for Dragon Priest - since the only thing they were lacking was a 3drop(besides Blackwing Technician
This is really powerful - if you imagine to start like
Round 1: Twilight Whelp or even Mistress of Mixtures
Round 2: Wyrmrest Agent or even better Coin Kabal Talonpriest - Goodbye Aggro i'd say
I wanted priest to be good again, but, let's face it. This card is stupidly good.
Less stats and only Beast, FeelsBadMan.
Can this card buff itself? I never play Temple Enforcer in my priest decks to test that kind of thing.
No, it can't buff itself, sadly, this is basically a better version of Dark Cultist
sadly Yogg-Saron, Hope's End punches a hole through that rule
Now i can trade better without having to use hero power and gain tempo.
If some how you can keep Faerie Dragon alive thru one turn and buff it with this card........Mage, Priest, Druid,...classes that use spells as main source of removal, will have a hard time dealing with it