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Curves well into Dragonmaw Scorcher :^)
Very fun in Wild Zoolock with Darkshire Councilman and Reliquary Seeker.
Fiendish Circle + Unwilling Sacrifice
Shouldn't the Imps have artwork unique to Witchwood? I don't understand why not. For example, Whispering Woods received new art for the Wisps that was flavorful for the expansion. It seems inconsistent at the very least.
i hope next expansion this card would usefull for another new mechanic types like ninja murlocs but yea shaman quest isnt good enough
I'm annoyed that this costs four and summons four imps. Four points isn't a circle, it's a square.
Fiendish Rectangle?
Fiendish Diamond?
Fiendish Trapezoid?
Fiendish Quadrilateral?
Call in the Finishers but they're demons.
I mean, sure, whatever. Why does this exist though? There is no reason why anyone needs this card to exist.
I can name three reasons why this card exists:
1. Arena. 4 mana 4/4 that can split its damage as you like isn't bad.
2. Wild. This card curves after playing Darkshire Councilman.
3. Future Set-up. see Call in the Finishers and Unite the Murlocs.
This shows how insane Imp-losion was.
Except this doesn't deal damage
That's the point. Imp-losion dealth damage and summoned imps. It was insanely over powered.
I wouldn't be so upset about obvious filler cards in Warlock if it wasn't for the fact that they could be used for discard support
Lol what? i think blizzard forgot what actually made Implosion good, Not the fact that is just summoned imps... but the fact that it did damage, this is like a high rolling IMplosion without the direct damage that made it stupid powerful.
blizzard be like: ''what is powercreep and how to avoid it ?''
Best played when opponent has 1 charge left on their Blood Razor
lmaoooo.... you sir just made my day xD
Every time I see a stupid pun, I get Blizzard to make broken Priest support for future expansions. For the sake of everyone's sanity, stop with the P U N Z !
Total corruption, total power!