Orgrimmar Aspirant
Card Text
Inspire: Give your weapon +1 Attack.
Flavor Text
"Four out of three orcs struggle with math." - Angry Zurge
Card Sounds
Inspire: Give your weapon +1 Attack.
"Four out of three orcs struggle with math." - Angry Zurge
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Playing Valeera's burgled spells tavern brawl i found out that this does not work with valeera's heropower for some reason
This card is better for Rogue than Warrior.
Combo with Upgrade! to get something secret that Blizzard really wanted to push with this expansion. What was it again? Oh yeah, a playable Poisoned Blade.
Gorehowl anyone?
Indeed. I don't usually play him, but picked him up from a Jeweled Scarab while I had Gorehowl in hand, and got some value from him. Died right away to an Imp-losion though. (More value, I guess.)
Why statline is bad? It's okay for 3 drop. And it can live, since you can do
t2: Fiery War Axe, 3/2, hit board, 3/1
t3: Orgrimmar Aspirant, 3/1, hit board, break
t4: Fiery War Axe, inspire trigger 4/2, hit board, 4/1
t5: double Upgrade!, 6/3, inspire trigger, 7/3, hit face, 7/2, 23 hp
t6: Captain Greenskin, enough weapon damage to kill.
Something like that. Okay, it can be removed, but it slows opponent down, and that's okay too.
Could this work in a gimmicky weapon warrior deck?
Gorehowl aside, all warrior weapons already have high damage and low durability. adding damage to a high damage weapon that will be discarded in 2 turns isn't that appealing
3 health really isn't much but this could be a really good card. Some great combo potential this card.
it wont gain charge of Warsong Commander if it gets buffed over 3
was in the latest Disguised Toast quiz
My thoughts exactly
that wolf and no charge so sad.
this is more of a fitting image for warsong commneder.
Warsong Commander is my bae don't you even.
Why would I play this over captain greenskin, and I don't play that!? lol
It's 5 mana to play this and activate your hero power!
This is utter trash. Nuff said.
I think this should be a 4/3, because at this point it's basically a 5 mana 3/3 that gives you two armor and one attack to your weapon. Which basically means you get a goblin auto barber, but that you're paying 3 mana extra for 1 toughness and two armor, which is pretty bad and quite slow. Only upside is that you can use it several times, assuming it lives more than one turn. 2/4 might have been better stat distribution. But as I said, if it was a 4/3 it'd probably not be THAT much better.
I think that with the new taunt warrior upgrades, we can make it survive much longer than one turn.
But is it still powerful enough though? I mean, keeping it alive, paying two mana every time we want a higher attack on our weapon - is that worth it? Barely, if at all.
In my weapons warrior, definitely. It lets me remove bigger minions, keeps my Gorehowl alive, and gets me to that lethal that much faster. Plus we still get that 2 armor (4 with Justicar Trueheart).