Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
Card Text
Give your weapon +3 Attack. Combo: Give a random friendly minion +3 Attack.
Flavor Text
"Get ready to strike oil!" - Super-cheesy battle cry
Give your weapon +3 Attack. Combo: Give a random friendly minion +3 Attack.
"Get ready to strike oil!" - Super-cheesy battle cry
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This with Kingsbane and Leeching Poison has created some very interesting situations for me. Got a 24 attack kingsbane today against a quest nzoth reno priest.
Blade Flurry should be unnerfed and moved to Hall of Fame, I miss oil rogue
at least just make it 2 mana again, no need to hit face, loved that card
Really good card and underestimated before release. Single-handed carries rogue over two expansion and two adventures. Now its time to say goodbye.
Sad : (
How will I play rogue now. I hope the new expansion will bring rogue back into the game.
Seeing this card pop up on my screen during a game makes me more viscerally angry then any other card. It's like "you may have 23 health, but you're still going to lose this turn after Blade Flurry".
How funny, a time when 23 hp was safe against most of the decks.
Get oiled!
the moment you are playing a terrible rogue weapon combo deck, and play blingtron who summons a doomhammer, into deadly poison into tinker's sharpsword oil.
Awesome card, made rogue viable again
With the ability to add 6 burst dmg given a weapon, board presence and combo, this card is really a clunkier Leeroy in disguise. It can act as a great finisher or just more face damage/pressure. It also acts as a great board clear with Blade Flurry but the mana cost make it tricky to play both without Preparation.
Definitely a versatile card that takes some planning and thoughts to pull off with the right combo depending on the situation.
Sorry, this is a terrible card, no matter how you look at it. The only thing that makes it quite usable is the fact that the Rogue class is DYING for more offensive board buffs like this, so it can take what it can get. But if you could put a third Cold Blood or Deadly Poison in a deck, it would almost always be preferred over this card.
If you've been keeping up with the meta, you'll see that this card is the reason why Rogue is seeing play on the ladder, and to a pretty successful extent, it's far from terrible.
Just because it's helping rogue so immensely doesn't mean the card isn't awful, simply that rogue was so in need of something that, like Khaztr above said, rogue will take what it can get.
Well it seems that some people feel the card is inefficient and has a slightly expensive mana cost(I assume that's the reason why you call it awful? I apologize if I'm mistaken). While some say that it has a proper cost and lessening its cost would make the card even better. One way or another, I don't see the logic of that a card can help and(rescue) a class but yet be awful at the same time.
I love you TazdingoHS. Have my babies.
Bruh- If Rogue could "take what they could get," then a bad card shouldn't skyrocket them to the front place.
Tinker's isn't good because it's good, it's good because it's Rogue. Stuffing four 0-cost cards into a deck means it's great. Blade Flurry means you get that extra 3 damage on their ENTIRE BOARD in one turn. It's not bad; it's a situational card in a deck that SO HAPPENS to make that situation show up just about every damn game because that's how Rogue works, man.
Lots of people say that Tinker's Sharpsword Oil is horrible because you can just use Cold Blood+Deadly Poison is better because it's less mana, but has anyone realized that this is a lot better because it's a single card? I mean, think about it, the chances of having a Cold Blood and Deadly Poison at the same time aren't nearly as great as having a single card. Also, sure, you may need the combo to get the extra +3 attack, but really, that's no big deal. Seriously, there are some quality cheap cards out there. So... I really don't see what people are complaining about :P
This card is so great, after Amaz's today stream I build a rogue deck that he used.. god, it's just insane, I use this card as a finisher a lot, it provides a million damage, and what's important - this damage is unexcepted.
You know, a better version of the card is to actually choose which minion will get the buff.
Sometimes you just need a small minion to activate the buff, and it would suck if the buff got on it. Don't get me wrong, I like the card, but 4 mana to combo is already a lot, don't you think that we need some sort of compensation for such mana cost? Like, as I mentioned, choosing which minion will get the buff.