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- Can’t attack face when it’s played
This is what Enraged Worgen died 4????
This is exactly what warrior needed: Rush on turn 3 for Woodcutter's Axe to buff.
turn 1: Town Crier
turn 2: Woodcutter's Axe + attack
turn 3: Rabid Worgen + attack with Axe
Tempo Warrior has some pieces falling into place.
Such a itty bitty wonewy warrior card reveal all alone by itself, with only 4 comments hours after release.
It might not look like much but this card will piss you off.
Decent 3 drop but it's just a plain 3/3 that will get most of it's value if coined and traded into 2 attack minion. On turn 3 it will die in 90% of cases. I do want warrior to be viable though. I kinda miss the class.
I think that s good. But if you play kor kon elite you get +1 attack and charge. Very good anyway
how on earth is this a bad card?