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Fist game with this card. Pulled off the King Togwaggle + Azalina Soulthief combo on turn 4.
I already love this card...just shit on an odd pally with this and swipe.
So, it's lovely in golden. Also, easy meta defining. Games against druid gonna be insane with extra mana--cool change of pace
Turn 1 Biology Project + Biology Project + Wild Growth => Turn 2 Malfurion the Pestilent
That's gonna be one nutty opener.
It´s currently behind Warlock,Paladin and Hunter
It'd take two Innervate's to get to 5 mana on turn 1 but you'd need to have 6 cards on your first turn which is currently impossible.
Turn 1: Biology Project into Wild Growth
Turn 2: Nourish
Turn 3: 8 mana shenanigans
What happens if I cast it on turn 10? Do I get a 0 mana card that allows me to draw (just as it is the case with Wild Growth) or is this a dead card on turn 10 or 9?
So games will be a lot of faster now, right? +4 mana for all when playing 2 copies?
Druid needs the mana more than the opponent, you need to hit the 5 (Nourish) 7 (DK) 10 (UI) crystals ASAP. If you can get to those without losing too much board, you are in a very advantageous position.
GREAT just what druid needed: more super powerful cards that can fit right into any current druid decks! It'd be interesting if it gave EMPTY mana crystals, but you can literally play this and Wild Growth in the same turn. Turn 2 Nourish! Now druid can stack more big minions into decks like taunt druid, quest druid, big druid, etc.
Innervate on Steroids
Imagine playing 2 of them if you have the 2nd turn... 3 mana and a coin on your first turn... I like this card
That is almost never relevant. High mana values are generally how Druid wins. What your opponent has is irrelevant. It seems like it is a symmetrical effect, but the Druid is benefiting more.
You say that like in every expansion since Naxx aggro has not been like 75% of the meta. Oh, wait. It has been. Zoolock, Baku Pally, Tempo Rogue, and Burn Mage are four examples of aggro decks played a fuckton on ladder right now. If Prince Keleseth has shown anything, it is that a card only batshit OP part of the time (in his case on turn 1-2) is fine to run if it just basically wins you the game when you play it. This card increases your aggro winrate most likely by so much, that it is fine to have in control matchups as the overall winrate will be high despite it being "dead" in control matchups. Given Shudderwock just invalidates all control decks now, you are not going to win those matchups anyway unless you SMOrc your ass off....
Oh, and this most likely can be tossed for a cycle like Wild Growth on ten mana, so if you are trying to combo off or something, your deck will be more consistent as you basically are playing with 28 cards (though not exactly as you need to spend 2 mana to cycle them both).
Actually the post KotFT Meta was almost entirely Jade Druid, also the pally meta was actually a cubelock meta that turned into, oh i guess you can only really play agro paladin.
I mean druid is already the strongest class in the game at the moment. So yeah this possibly could push the class to broken tier.
Absolutely Bonkers. Because this gives you the crystals first is going to make this card (going to be nerfed in the future) tier. it will be nerfed to give empty mana crystals so your opponent will be the first to use it.
If you are playing a controlling type Druid, this card is bonkers. Your mana is worth so much more than the aggro deck's mana. I wouldn't play this a in a token or aggro deck though.