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hello Bonemare
your face when you get Tortolan primalist, N'zoth, and Varian:
KFT only adds 2 new cards to the the Amber Pool: Obsidian Statue and The Lich King.
Both of these are very good picks, so Free From Amber got an indirect buff this expansion!
Amazing in arena, i got three of them!
Now we can call Obsidian Statue yay
Don't forget that if you get Blood of The Ancient One, you can use an unexpected Mirage Caller the next turn, or possibly this turn if you have Radiant Elemental on the board.
In constructed, it's far too weak unless you have two Radiant Elementals on board. In arena, this card is usually a much better pick than other rares and can offer some incredible value. Not great, but it isn't that bad at all.
I swear, Ultrasaur shows up with this more often than he does in packs!
Unless I am mistaken, I believe that there are 30 minions available as a result of this spell. (assuming that The Ancient One is not available since it is a token). I have ranked them in order in what I believe are their worth (your opinion may differ), taking into account that their battlecries will not trigger since you are not playing them from your hand:
Well Above Par
Above Par
Below Par
Well Below Par
Some numbers based on that list:
- You would have a 50.1% chance of being offered at least one of the 'Well Above Par' cards
- You would have a 76.1% chance of being offered at lest one of the 'Above Par' cards or better
- You would have a 23.9% change of only being offered 'Below Par' cards or worse
At least if my maths is correct anyway.
If you rank The Boogeymonster as below par, I think Medivh, the Guardian so be ranked as below par too.
Perhaps. My opinion was that Medivh, the Guardian was worse since without his battlecry he is just a flat 7/7. And whilst The Boogeymonster is only 6/7, he has the potential to grow on the board.
As said, your opinions may differ. I didn't give it too much thought other than an initial quick review.
Best use I've gotten from this so far is copying it with Mana Bind. Free 8+ drop? Yes please!
It's great with Medivh, the Guardian's Atiesh.
I happily await the Trolden clip where someone playing in Wild has 2 Summoning Stones and Atiesh on the board, then plays this to get 4 Ragnaros the Firelords!
the chances of that is about 1 in 8026200 so I do not believe that that happened.
Whoever decided this should be a rare clearly doesn't play Arena.
Charged Devilsaur ... Its battlecry is not in effect so it can smorc. One of the best discoveries from this card.
So some math and analysis
there are 27 minions that are 8+ and discoverable in standard for priest (once the year of the mammoth begins)
the average summoned minion attack is: 7.148
the average summoned minion health is:8.407
you have a 30.67% chance of discovering and summoning a taunt minion; of those taunts you have a 4/8, 5/5, 6/10, and 5/9
you have a 11.11% chance its a 7/7 charge minion
you have a 23.25% chance that all three options presented will be "vanilla" or have non relevant card text (ie. battlecry/giants)
you have a 11.11% chance of discovering the exact minion you want and summoning it.
so that goes for ysera, y'sharj, malygos, etc.
essentially we can assume that around 1/4 of the time this is a very slow 8 mana 7/8
a little less than half the time do you get a "good" result
as a result a big slow card that is only useful half the time is likely to be outpaced and bad
Kazakus deathrattle reno will probably be better and this card would only have made it slower. Maybe in some fancy control priest but why would any1 play sth weaker.
I'm crossing my fingers for the golden version of this on Wednesday.