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Rated this a bad card until I read through some comments and actually got to thinking about it. Could be very nice in a Tempo Elemental deck that isn't running the Archmage Arugal/Book of Specters package and actually has more spells. Could also be a sleeper card for some crazy combo deck in the future. (Already saw someone mention Archmage Antonidas and Leyline Manipulator with this. Good start.)
I don't know many classes that can deal with turn 2 Water Elemental. This could be big for elemental tempo builds, even if just to make better use out of the "turn before" set ups.
Does this stack with itself?
Yep! The effect only goes away when you play the elemental, so playing two of these will essentially reduce the cost of your next elemental by 4 mana.
Thank you
unless you play wild like us which rotate out was never a problem
Finally, we can coin out Mountain Giant!
Prepare to get this from "get random x mage spell/s" when you are not playing an elemental based mage.
Turn 2 - Pyros, Turn 3 - Elemental Evocation + Servant of Kalimos, seems like a good opener.
for forgot to add kappa
Create Duskbreaker from Arcanosaur with this.
This card just seems annoying. Like "Your opponents will always use it to get out a 5 drop turn 1, whereas you will always top deck it when your hand's empty" kinda annoying. Could it please not exist?
The existence of this card is a pretty clear indicator we're not getting a strong, impactful elemental for Mage for the next two years. Best you can do is Baron Geddon which is good when you're behind but it's not good enough tempo to cheat out. There's something to be said about Cosmic Anomaly but without the support of Mana Wyrm it's gonna be tough.
This card is so rude....play this for 5 mana geddon :'(
Wonderful! So many times in elemental mage you are facing dilema "if I would have one more mana". Now we can have 2. Or 4. Really nice.
Dat art.
Elemental Innervation
Turn 1The Coin + 2x Elemental Evocation + Frozen Crusher
Frozen Crusher is essentially a 6 mana 4/8 if you're going for tempo. You can effectively half its attack especially in the early game when you just want it to go face.
Preparation for elemental mage... Bad synergy with Book of Specters though