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Nine months later, Lifedrinker was born!
Makes one realize how insane the warlock DK hero power is
This makes a good sub for Nightblade
i actually looked around my room to see which bug made that sound when this card was first played against me
As someone who has survived Dengue, i hate this card........
I think this card will be a sleeper strong card. Not meta defining, but I think very good.
It actually is meta defining thanks to that fucker named Shudderwock.
Love how this card enabled an archetype of otk. If Nightblade had to have been run instead I don't think Shudderwock OTK would have had enough sustain.
If Glinda - Summoning Portal type decks are good, you could run this I guess.
Basically a 3 mana 3/3 with Lifesteal Deal 3 damage. Definitely worth the cost, just not super impactful.
Except that it's 4 mana....
I'm glad to see that they've started basing Hearthstone cards on Australian wildlife.
I like that this card is overgrown mosquito :D
It looks like a paladin card but at first sight it looks like it would be good in shaman with maybe some fringe meme applications like in fatigue decks.
I hate mosquitos but I like this card
A few cards like this exist in TESL, none of them is good enough. In arena tho it's gonna be ok (50-65)
Would you play nightblade if it healed you for 3? NO.
From Zombeast: This + Vicious Scalehide = instant 10 hp gain
10 health how Dont you mean 7 Health? only way I see 10 health is if you use the rush to kill a 3 attacking minion