DOOM!Destroy all minions. Draw a card for each.
We ran out of space for "DOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!" |
Deathwing, DragonlordDeathrattle: Put all Dragons from your hand into the battlefield.
To his credit, Deathwing really took to heart the feedback he was receiving that he needed to be "more of a team player". |
Faceless Behemoth
Rejected names: Forty-Foot Faceless, Big ol' No-face, Huge Creature Sans Face, Teddy. |
N'Zoth, the CorruptorBattlecry: Summon your Deathrattle minions that died this game.
Has not been able to get "Under the Sea" out of his head for like FIVE THOUSAND YEARS. |
Yogg-Saron, Hope's EndBattlecry: Cast a random
I spell your doom... Y-O-U-R D-O-O-M! |
Y'Shaarj, Rage UnboundAt the end of your turn, put a minion from your deck into the battlefield.
When he's working out, he binds all that rage back into a ponytail. |
Blood of The Ancient OneIf you control two of these
Add two cups of Blood of the Ancient One to one cup of lemon juice. Add just a dash of sugar and stir. Delicious! |
Soggoth the SlithererTaunt
Don't tell Soggoth, but in the future he gets totally owned by the Master's Glaive and his skull becomes a tourist attraction. |
The Ancient One
Call of the WildSummon all three Animal Companions.
"Hello. Misha, Leokk and Huffer aren't here right now, but if you leave a message we'll get back to you right away." BEEP. |
AnomalusDeathrattle: Deal 8 damage to all minions.
That's short for "Anomnomnomnomalus". |
Cho'gallBattlecry: Return all cards
Even after all this time, Gul'dan still makes Cho'gall go get donuts and coffee. |
C'ThunBattlecry: Deal damage
C'Thun's least favorite Hearthstone card: Eye for an Eye. |
C'ThunBattlecry: Deal damage
DoomcallerBattlecry: Give your C'Thun +2/+2 (wherever it is). If it's dead, shuffle it into your deck.
"Hello, is Doom there? No? Can I leave a message?" |
Eldritch Horror
Often wonders what path his life might have taken if he wasn't named, you know, "Eldritch Horror". |
Giant Sand WormWhenever this attacks and kills a minion, it may attack again.
Banned from every all-you-can-eat buffet on Azeroth. |
Nerubian Soldier
Ragnaros, LightlordAt the end of your turn, restore 8 Health to a damaged friendly character.
What happens when you try and corrupt a corrupted firelord? DOUBLE NEGATIVE, INSECT! |
The BoogeymonsterWhenever this attacks and kills a minion, gain +2/+2.
Has 20 years of training in classical ballet, but ALLLLLL he ever gets asked to do is boogie. |
Big WispsGive your minions +2/+2.
Many WispsSummon seven 1/1 Wisps.
Wisps of the Old GodsChoose One - Summon seven 1/1 Wisps; or Give your minions +2/+2.
They're just normal wisps, actually. The "Of the Old Gods" bit is just marketing. |
Blade of C'ThunBattlecry: Destroy a minion. Add its Attack and Health to your C'Thun's (wherever it is).
C'Thun demands a sacrifice! Preferably a Deathwing. |
Bog CreeperTaunt
He's tried other things, but bog sidling, bog ambling, and bog trundling just aren't as effective as bog creeping. |
Grotesque DragonhawkWindfury
They say that "grotesque is in the eye of the beholder," but that's just because they've never seen a Grotesque Dragonhawk. Yikes! |
Hogger, Doom of ElwynnWhenever this minion takes damage, summon a 2/2 Gnoll with Taunt.
When C'thun went to sleep, he checked under his bed for Hogger. |
MalkorokBattlecry: Equip a random weapon.
Garrosh's best buddy. It's true. Look it up. |
Twin Emperor Vek'lorTaunt
Do they make decisions based on age? "I'm two minutes older therefore we burn this village." |
Twin Emperor Vek'nilashTaunt
Thistle TeaDraw a card. Add 2 extra copies of it to your hand.
Aren't Thistles prickly? Why would you drink them? I don't get Rogues. |
Ancient HarbingerAt the start of your turn, put a 10-Cost minion from your deck into your hand.
"honey, can u run down to the store and pick up some 10 cost minions? thx" |
Ancient ShieldbearerBattlecry: If your C'Thun has at least 10 Attack, gain 10 Armor.
Back in her day, each shield weighed two tons and she had to carry four of them on each arm! |
Corrupted SeerBattlecry: Deal 2 damage to all non-Murloc minions.
For seers, it's very handy to have your crystal ball hanging right in front of your face. |
Dark ArakkoaTaunt
There's a whole gradient of Arakkoa! This one is on the darker side. |
Faceless SummonerBattlecry: Summon a random 3-Cost minion.
They never get the recognition they deserve. |
Faceless SummonerBattlecry: Summon a random 3-Cost minion.
They never get the recognition they deserve. |
Herald VolazjBattlecry: Summon a 1/1 copy of each of your other minions.
His whole job is yelling "Yogg-Saron comin'!" |
Mukla, Tyrant of the ValeBattlecry: Add 2 Bananas to your hand.
Nerubian ProphetAt the start of your turn, reduce this card's
It’s a self-reducing prophecy. |
Scaled NightmareAt the start of your turn, double this minion's Attack.
I like it because it scales. |
Skeram CultistBattlecry: Give your C'Thun
Just before he comes into play, there is an AWESOME training montage with C'Thun. |
Thing from BelowTaunt
Just can't resist the opportunity to hang around with a bunch of totems. |
Hammer of TwilightDeathrattle: Summon a 4/2 Elemental.
Stop! It's Twilight Hammer time. |
Tentacles for ArmsDeathrattle: Return this to your hand.
That's right. Garrosh just slapped you to death with a tentacle. |
Power Word: TentaclesGive a minion +2/+6.
Because you're wrapped in a protective layer of… tentacles? |
Corrupted HealbotDeathrattle: Restore 8 Health to the enemy hero.
Not so much "corrupted" as "has terrible aim". |
Darkshire AlchemistBattlecry: Restore
The secret ingredient: liquified funnel cake. |
DarkspeakerBattlecry: Swap stats with a friendly minion.
People often think that Darkspeaker is the arch nemesis of Lightspeaker, but that title actually belongs to Heavyspeaker. |
Hallazeal the AscendedSpell Damage +1
Hallazeals all your dallazamage. |
Princess HuhuranBattlecry: Trigger a friendly minion's Deathrattle.
She flitters around Ahn'Qiraj dreaming of the day she will meet a sweet prince, whom she can lay thousands of eggs with. |
"Annoyinger-o-Tron" was just too unwieldy. And accurate. |
"Annoyinger-o-Tron" was just too unwieldy. And accurate. |
"Annoyinger-o-Tron" was just too unwieldy. And accurate. |
Servant of Yogg-SaronBattlecry: Cast a random
Yogg-Saron always likes to complain about how he has too many servants and there are too many mouths to feed. |
ShadowcasterBattlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Add a 1/1 copy to your hand that costs (1).
I mean, it's not creepy if you ASK before you steal their shadow to make a small replica of them to keep on your shelf. |
Twilight DarkmenderBattlecry: If your C'Thun has at least 10 Attack, restore 10 Health to your hero.
First she separates them from the lights, washes them in cold water, and hang-dries. |
Validated DoomsayerAt the start of your turn, set this minion's Attack to 7.
Really feels good about himself and is in a much better place now. But… he sure does miss piloting those shredders. |
Cabalist's TomeGet 3 random
What's in there? I bet it's cookie recipes! |
Shadow Word: HorrorDestroy all minions with 2 or less Attack.
It's more succinct than "Shadow Word: Suck Into Vortex." |
Stand Against DarknessSummon five 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits.
Or if you're too tired, you can just kind of lean against the darkness. |
Stand Against DarknessSummon five 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits.
Or if you're too tired, you can just kind of lean against the darkness. |
Yogg-Saron's MagicGain an empty Mana Crystal.
Y'Shaarj's StrengthSummon a 2/2 Slime.
Aberrant BerserkerHas +2 Attack while damaged.
I berserk, therefore I am. |
Blackwater PirateYour weapons cost (2) less.
"Look, they fell off the back of a ship, do you want them or not? I have a meeting with Y'Shaarj in like ten minutes." |
Bloodhoof BraveTaunt
He thought the set was called "Flippers of the Old Cods" and hungrily volunteered to be in it. He is definitely going to get his hearing checked. |
Crazed WorshipperTaunt
Every month they share a pancake breakfast with the Perfectly Rational Worshippers. |
C'Thun's ChosenDivine Shield
He gave her a promise ring and everything. |
Cult ApothecaryBattlecry: For each enemy minion, restore 2 Health to your hero.
Cults need pharmacists too. |
Cyclopian HorrorTaunt. Battlecry: Gain +1 Health for each enemy minion.
What are the qualifications for being a 'Horror?' Just how horrible do you have to be? |
Demented FrostcallerAfter you cast a spell, Freeze a random enemy.
He prefers that you refer to him by his nickname: 'Frostwaker.' |
Eater of SecretsBattlecry: Destroy all enemy Secrets. Gain +1/+1 for each.
You don't want to be around after it has eaten an explosive trap. You thought Sludge Belcher was bad... |
Evolved KoboldSpell Damage +2
You no take tentacle! |
Faceless Destroyer
Faceless ShamblerTaunt
"What is that thing?!" "I'm not sure, but it seems to be sort of Ysera shaped." |
Fandral StaghelmYour Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined.
Always manages to mention "Back when I was creating the World Tree…" in EVERY conversation. Sheesh! Enough already. |
Fandral StaghelmYour Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined.
Always manages to mention "Back when I was creating the World Tree…" in EVERY conversation. Sheesh! Enough already. |
Fandral StaghelmYour Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined.
Always manages to mention "Back when I was creating the World Tree…" in EVERY conversation. Sheesh! Enough already. |
Flamewreathed FacelessOverload: (2)
He's on fire! Boomshakalaka! |
Hooded AcolyteTaunt
Wait, what kind of acolyte doesn't wear a hood? |
Infested TaurenTaunt
The Overmind and the Old Gods are surprisingly similar. |
Infested WolfDeathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Spiders.
A little flea powder will fix that right up. |
Klaxxi Amber-WeaverTaunt
Amberweaving is a specialty course at the local trade school. |
Master of EvolutionBattlecry: Transform a friendly minion into a random one that costs (1) more.
Will be really useful in the new "Hearthémon" game. |
Midnight DrakeBattlecry: Gain +1 Attack for each other card
Still fearsome in the daytime. |
Mire KeeperChoose One - Summon a
"Hey.... Is that Mire for sale?" "No. I'm keeping it." |
Polluted HoarderDeathrattle: Draw a card.
Shifting ShadeDeathrattle: Copy a card
Yeah, it's cooler in the shade, but you're also more likely to get JACKED. |
Southsea SquidfaceDeathrattle: Give your weapon +2 Attack.
Quick! Before I drown! Let me sharpen your sword for you. |
Twilight SummonerDeathrattle: Summon a 5/5 Faceless Destroyer.
If you strike him down, he shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. |
Usher of SoulsWhenever a minion dies, give your C'Thun +1/+1
Nothing unburdens your soul like a good ushing! |
Xaril, Poisoned MindBattlecry and Deathrattle: Add a random Toxin card to your hand.
It's basically your own fault if you go around drinking weird green potions handed out by creepy mantid dudes. |
Rallying BladeBattlecry: Give +1/+1 to your minions with Divine Shield.
As far as blades go, this one is pretty great in the motivation department. |
Blood WarriorsAdd a copy of each damaged friendly minion to your hand.
They have an uneasy rivalry with the Blood Paladins. |
Evolve ScalesGain 8 Armor.
Evolve SpinesGive your hero +4 Attack this turn.
Feral RageChoose One - Give your hero +4 Attack this turn; or Gain 8 Armor.
Let's be honest. One option is a lot ragier than the other. |
InfestGive your minions "Deathrattle: Add a random Beast to your hand."
The best part is the look on their face when you jump out of the cake! Err… corpse. |
Shadow StrikeDeal 5 damage to an undamaged character.
It's like a backstab, only from the front. And with two more stabs. |