clear all

Obliterate 1

Deal @ damage to all enemies.

Obliterate 2

Deal @ damage to all enemies.

Mana Blink {0}

Your characters'
abilities Refresh ({0}).
Their next ability is
({1}) Speed faster.

Mana Blink 1

Your characters'
abilities Refresh ({0}).
Their next ability is
({1}) Speed faster.

Mana Blink 2

Your characters'
abilities Refresh ({0}).
Their next ability is
({1}) Speed faster.

Mana Blink 3

Your characters'
abilities Refresh ({0}).
Their next ability is
({1}) Speed faster.

Mana Blink 4

Your characters'
abilities Refresh ({0}).
Their next ability is
({1}) Speed faster.

Shifting Tides {0}

Deal {0} damage.
(Damage increased by
+{1} for each Spell School
cast this game.)

Shifting Tides 1

Deal {0} damage.
(Damage increased by
+{1} for each Spell School
cast this game.)

Shifting Tides 2

Deal {0} damage.
(Damage increased by
+{1} for each Spell School
cast this game.)

Shifting Tides 3

Deal {0} damage.
(Damage increased by
+{1} for each Spell School
cast this game.)

Shifting Tides 4

Deal {0} damage.
(Damage increased by
+{1} for each Spell School
cast this game.)

The Galactic Projection Orb

Recast a random spell of each Cost you've cast this game (targets enemies if possible).

Look closely in the ball and you'll see the expansion of space and time itself. Or their projections, anyway.

Arcane Volley {0}

Passive: Whenever your characters cast an Arcane ability, cast Arcane Shot 1 at a random enemy.

Greater Arcane Missiles {0}

Shoot three missiles
at random enemies
that deal
{0} damage each.@Shoot three missiles at the lowest-Health
enemy that deal
{0} damage each.

Greater Arcane Missiles 1

Shoot three missiles
at random enemies
that deal
{0} damage each.@Shoot three missiles at the lowest-Health
enemy that deal
{0} damage each.

Greater Arcane Missiles 2

Shoot three missiles
at random enemies
that deal
{0} damage each.@Shoot three missiles at the lowest-Health
enemy that deal
{0} damage each.

Greater Arcane Missiles 3

Shoot three missiles
at random enemies
that deal
{0} damage each.@Shoot three missiles at the lowest-Health
enemy that deal
{0} damage each.

Greater Arcane Missiles 4

Shoot three missiles
at random enemies
that deal
{0} damage each.@Shoot three missiles at the lowest-Health
enemy that deal
{0} damage each.

Moonfire Volley {0}

Deal 20 damage to a
random enemy. Repeat
for each Arcane ability
you've cast this turn.

Infinite Arcane

Destroy your deck.
Each turn, Discover a card
from your destroyed deck
to draw. It costs (2) less.

Be honest -- you weren't using that deck anyway.


Discover two 8-Cost
minions to summon with
Taunt and Elusive.


Arcane Lance {0}

Deal @ damage to a random enemy. Repeat for each Arcane ability you've cast this game.

Rewind {0}

Deal @ damage to an enemy.
Deathblow: Its neighbors
go last next turn.

Rewind 1

Deal @ damage to an enemy.
Deathblow: Its neighbors
go last next turn.

Rewind 2

Deal @ damage to an enemy.
Deathblow: Its neighbors
go last next turn.

Rewind 3

Deal @ damage to an enemy.
Deathblow: Its neighbors
go last next turn.

Rewind 4

Deal @ damage to an enemy.
Deathblow: Its neighbors
go last next turn.

Arcane Defenders

Summon two
5/6 Golems with
Taunt and Elusive.

*Arcane batteries not included*

Celestial Alignment

Set your Mana Crystals to 0. Set the Cost of cards in your hand and deck to (1).

"Is my deck any good?" "I mean, if the stars align."

Power of Creation

Discover a 6-Cost minion. Summon two copies of it.

  • Type: Ability
  • Class: Mage
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Set: Rise of Shadows
  • Spell School: Arcane
  • Cost to Craft: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 100 / 400 (Golden)
  • Artist: Zoltan Boros
  • Collectible

Mostly used for party tricks, to be honest.

Sleep Under the Stars

Choose Thrice - Draw 2
cards; Gain 5 Armor;
Refresh 3 Mana Crystals.

THRICE?! What's next, FOURTHST?!

Arcane Shot {0}

Deal {0} damage to an enemy.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.

Arcane Shot 1

Deal {0} damage to an enemy.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.

Arcane Shot 2

Deal {0} damage to an enemy.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.

Arcane Shot 3

Deal {0} damage to an enemy.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.

Arcane Shot 4

Deal {0} damage to an enemy.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.@Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If they have already
acted, deal {1} instead.

Celestial Breath {0}

Deal @ damage to an enemy. Any excess continues to the left or right.

Celestial Breath 1

Deal @ damage to an enemy. Any excess continues to the left or right.

Celestial Breath 2

Deal @ damage to an enemy. Any excess continues to the left or right.

Celestial Breath 3

Deal @ damage to an enemy. Any excess continues to the left or right.

Celestial Breath 4

Deal @ damage to an enemy. Any excess continues to the left or right.

Cosmic Awe

For two turns, gain Taunt and all abilities target this (if possible).

Echoes Of Us All

Summon {0}/{1} copy of each enemy Merc. They gain Taunt and Attack the original.

Focus Or Miss

Deal @ damage to the lowest Health enemy. If you didn't predict their action, damage the highest Health enemy instead.

Potion of Illusion I

Summon copies of your other friendly characters with 1 Health.

Bear Constellation

Gain 5 Armor.

Cat Constellation

Draw 2 cards.

Final Frontier

Discover a 10-Cost minion from the past. Set its Cost to (1).

. * | . . * . . -O- . . . . * | . * | o . * . o . . -O- . . o * . . | * . . . . . .

Greater Arcane Missiles

Shoot three missiles at random enemies that deal 3 damage each.

Wow, and I thought Arcane Missiles was great!

Luna's Pocket Galaxy

Change the Cost of minions in your
deck to (1).

Luna became head of the astronomy department when her boss invented the Pocket Black Hole.

Mass Polymorph

Transform all minions into 1/1 Sheep.

Sheep in Frostwolves' clothing.

Moonkin Constellation

Refresh 3 Mana Crystals.

Wish Upon a Star

Give +2/+3 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.

"What are you going to wish for?" "I wish I had just a liiiiiiiittle more Attack and Health!" "...Really? You don't want, like, a million more?"

Arcane Bolt {0}

Deal {0} damage.
Gain +{1} Arcane Damage.

Arcane Bolt 1

Deal {0} damage.
Gain +{1} Arcane Damage.

Arcane Bolt 2

Deal {0} damage.
Gain +{1} Arcane Damage.

Arcane Bolt 3

Deal {0} damage.
Gain +{1} Arcane Damage.

Arcane Bolt 4

Deal {0} damage.
Gain +{1} Arcane Damage.

Arcane Surge {0}

Deal @ damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.

Arcane Surge 1

Deal @ damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.

Arcane Surge 2

Deal @ damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.

Arcane Surge 3

Deal @ damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.

Arcane Surge 4

Deal @ damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.

Birds of a Feather {0}

Deal {0} damage. (Increases by {1} when you use another Arcane ability)

Birds of a Feather 1

Deal {0} damage. (Increases by {1} when you use another Arcane ability)

Birds of a Feather 2

Deal {0} damage. (Increases by {1} when you use another Arcane ability)

Birds of a Feather 3

Deal {0} damage. (Increases by {1} when you use another Arcane ability)

Birds of a Feather 4

Deal {0} damage. (Increases by {1} when you use another Arcane ability)

Elune's Grace 1

Your next Arcane ability casts twice
and is permanently
(1) Speed faster.@Your next Arcane or Nature ability casts twice and is permanently (1) Speed faster.

Elune's Grace 2

Your next Arcane ability casts twice
and is permanently
(2) Speed faster.@Your next Arcane or Nature ability casts twice and is permanently (2) Speed faster.

Elune's Grace 3

Your next Arcane ability casts twice
and is permanently
(3) Speed faster.@Your next Arcane or Nature ability casts twice and is permanently (3) Speed faster.

Reading Chromie {0}

Deal {0} damage to an enemy. Gain +{1} damage whenever you cast an ability with higher Speed than this.

Reading Chromie 1

Deal {0} damage to an enemy. Gain +{1} damage whenever you cast an ability with higher Speed than this.

Reading Chromie 2

Deal {0} damage to an enemy. Gain +{1} damage whenever you cast an ability with higher Speed than this.

Reading Chromie 3

Deal {0} damage to an enemy. Gain +{1} damage whenever you cast an ability with higher Speed than this.

Reading Chromie 4

Deal {0} damage to an enemy. Gain +{1} damage whenever you cast an ability with higher Speed than this.

Reopen Wounds

Apply Bleed (@) to all enemies then double all Bleed on them.


Deal 5 damage.
Draw a card.

Balance is important to druids. This card is perfectly balanced.

Arcane Blast {0}

Deal @ damage.
This ability gains
double the bonus
from Arcane Damage.

Arcane Fling {0}

Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If it hasn't acted
yet, deal {1} instead.

Arcane Fling 1

Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If it hasn't acted
yet, deal {1} instead.

Arcane Fling 2

Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If it hasn't acted
yet, deal {1} instead.

Arcane Fling 3

Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If it hasn't acted
yet, deal {1} instead.

Arcane Fling 4

Deal {0} damage to an
enemy. If it hasn't acted
yet, deal {1} instead.

Arcane Rift {0}

Deal @ damage.
Your next Arcane ability this
turn deals Critical Damage.

Arcane Rift 1

Deal @ damage.
Your next Arcane ability this
turn deals Critical Damage.

Arcane Rift 2

Deal @ damage.
Your next Arcane ability this
turn deals Critical Damage.

Arcane Rift 3

Deal @ damage.
Your next Arcane ability this
turn deals Critical Damage.

Arcane Rift 4

Deal @ damage.
Your next Arcane ability this
turn deals Critical Damage.

Arcane Salvo {0}

Deal @ damage to two random enemies. If any die, repeat this.

Arcane Salvo 1

Deal @ damage to two random enemies. If any die, repeat this.

Arcane Salvo 2

Deal @ damage to two random enemies. If any die, repeat this.

Arcane Salvo 3

Deal @ damage to two random enemies. If any die, repeat this.

Arcane Salvo 4

Deal @ damage to two random enemies. If any die, repeat this.

Change The Timeline {0}

Gain +@ Health.
For two turns, abilities with
higher Speed act first.
(Starts off Cooldown.)

Change The Timeline 1

Gain +@ Health.
For two turns, abilities with
higher Speed act first.
(Starts off Cooldown.)

Change The Timeline 2

Gain +@ Health.
For two turns, abilities with
higher Speed act first.
(Starts off Cooldown.)

Change The Timeline 3

Gain +@ Health.
For two turns, abilities with
higher Speed act first.
(Starts off Cooldown.)

Change The Timeline 4

Gain +@ Health.
For two turns, abilities with
higher Speed act first.
(Starts off Cooldown.)