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This would've been a better card if it was a 4/3. Maybe also instead of drawing a card, it should summon a 2 cost minions when it dies Kappa.
Polooted Hoarder.
Are the devs surprisingly clever with puns, or is this a coincidence, I wonder.
this card would be good in a reno deck for card draw since you dont want to run two loot hoarders because reno, so I see the value there but its nothing special, not gonna be a meta changer, you'll probably see this card once in awhile, but honestly i'd just run acolyte instead.
Seems like a neat idea.
Kind of like how Darnassus Aspirant works.
Cult Master
Come at me bro
If this card is so trash compared to inventors, Why am I seeing more Evil Heckler than shenjin shield mastas?
this trades up, neither unpolluted hoarder nor an inventor can kill a 3 drop. Or threaten 4 drops this can. A better comparison is to azure drakes, but they cost 5 mana.
Because Evil Heckler is from a newer set so it shows up more in Arena. And yes, that's the reason, Shieldmasta is better.
Though I do agree, I like this card.
I really like the art. I hope he still says something (voice queue)in the lines of what the normal Loot Hoarder does, but with a more "corrupted" sound.
Funny how they followed the line of thought: Loot Hoarder + Loot Hoarder = Polluted Hoarder. Though, shouldn't that add up to Deathrattle: Draw two cards? :)
draw two cards would be so op and autoinclude in many decks.
Yeah It would and I understand that. I just when't with the theory behind the card design. Kinda like a conversation with my self. :P
I think the Card is too expensive for its effect plus stats. The normal loot hoarder gives you 2/1 stats plus a deathrattler effect for 2 mana. The new Card doubles the stats but the effect keeps the same. I understand that draw 2 Cards would have been two strong but making it a 4/3 minion would have been justifyable. Maybe it was done to Keep it balanced with respect to Gnomish Inventor but I feel like an instant Card draw is worth more than one caused by deathrattle since it could be prevented. Additionally i never really liked 4/2 stats because they will neither trade upwards or downwards very efficiently (dies against small creatuers, probably wont kill bigger creatures on its own).
Loot Hoarder vs Polluted Hoarder
Captain America : Civil War 2016
Reduce cost by 1?!? That's insane dude. Imagine Gnomish Experimenter always drawing a card.
Increase hp by 1... maybe... feels too good still. And difference between 2 and 3 hp is negligible after turn 4 anyway.
The really insulting part is that it dies to Loot Hoarder.
Should have doubled all Loot Hoarder's stats... AKA deathrattle: draw 2 cards
Drawing a card and a random 2-cost minion are worth around the same thing. It wouldn't be that much worse than shredder, and in some game plans even better. Deathrattle draw 2 cards would be just dumb. Arcane Intellect + a free 1 mana 4/2.
Trash hoarder
Crazy good in arena.
twice the mana
twice the stats
but still same effect
so only x1.5 of its usefullness for x2 the cost. not worth it