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Fun fact: If Shifter Zerus becomes this minion, it discounts it that turn and when it becomes another minion the discount remains.
Sick in arena.. and especially with evolve.
Feels great Sapping this card.
Insane with evolve shaman.
To everyone saying this card is "playable", do any of you have any idea how good this card is when you keep it in your hand ? How many cards have you kept for the entire game in order to be sure to get the most value from it ? Right. You just don't realize how good this card is because its value gets consistently better.
There are many situations where you're forced to sacrifice a lot of cards to get a board clear, or to get rid of an insane threat, and this card can greatly keep in handy assuming you've kept it long enough.
Just don't play that card as soon as you can. Consider it like it's a 6+ mana minion, only then you can feel that's a good card.
awesome card if you get it at hand on turn 1 !
Fun Fact = ALL Nerubians have 4 health (Even Anub'arak is a nerubian (undead nerubian))
Card is busted in arena. Mulligan for it and you're unstoppable.
Also obviously busted in Evolve Shaman.
Evolved this guy twice. First time got Hogger, Doom of Elwynn on turn 4.
Second time it gave me Al'Akir the Windlord to put my opponent at 1
10/10, would evolve again
I got better. Almost died to a
cancerzoo lock but i double evolver a nerubian prophet and got ragnaros, lightlord. Because if him i survived and got lethal the turn after.0 Mana Shadowflame ?
shadowflame costs 4 so at minimum if you hold this for 6 turns you can get a 4 mana shadowflame, but yest the value is obscene
Play this in Shaman, keep it in hand, play it turn 3, trade it into a minion, then turn it into a 7 drop with an on curve Evolution Master. The dream!
Seems like a sleeper hit. I'm thinking it's not Piloted Shredder levels of power, because it isn't as contained and consistent (what if you don't draw him until turn 3,4,etc ?)
I think it's almost as powerful a piloted shredder, but it has a huge drawback. If you draw it on turns 3-10, it's a dead draw. But it also combos with some sick shaman evolution mechanics.
He foresees you playing him on Turn 3.
Handlock, since you will be playing boardclears early on to survive and a Twilight Drake on turn 4, you have a pretty busy first few turns giving this card time to lower its cost for a Sunfury Protector taunt on both this and the drake. I expect this card will be played in control decks with cheap big minions and taunt givers, so essencialy handlock and potentialy priest.
Midrange and control decks could make good use of this card, and it's still playable late game if you happen to top deck it. The ideal use is mid to late game after a board or large minion removal for the tempo swing. It's a balanced card.
Just like Knight of the Wild
I don't think minions on the field technically have costs.
It has good potential to give the user value, but it all depends on the time you drew it.
If I mulligan into it, I just got a 3 mana 4/4, a smart ogre is always welcomed.
And if I draw it, but keep it in my hand because I had better plays than dropping this for a bad price, I can keep it for a tempo swing of playing a fast card or a heavy card, and add to it this bad boy for a small cost to round the curve up or even come free to the board!
a deck that will use this will need to have a very consistant curve and a good draw engine so you'll be able to get it, and not be behind in cards. Sadly I'm having hard time seeing how it manages to progress an endgame so its hard to see it in a proper deck right now (suspect for change), but I'll pick this in arena if the other cards I'll get in that pick wont be busted.
A fair card and probably playable, a bit slow on the hand though.