This C'Thun is a Token. You are looking for C'Thun.
We aren't 100% positive of the intention of this token card, but it is listed as a "Proxy C'Thun" which leads us to believe it is used to track your C'Thun's stacks from the various C'Thun-buffing minions.
I like golden animation
Unless you have, Sylvanas Windrunner, Siphon Soul, Execute, Shield Slam, Hex, Polymorph, Ice Block, Aldor Peacekeeper or Humility + Stampeding Kodo (or just put him to one attack and leave him alone), Equality + Consecration or Wild Pyromancer + Equality, Ironbeak Owl, Spellbreaker, Shadow Word: Death, Entomb, Mind Control, Mulch, Naturalize, Big Game Hunter, Blade of C'Thun, Rend Blackhand, Deadly Shot, lethal on board, lethal from hand or more than 20 health.
But yeah, other than that he's the most uninteractive broken card ever because it's not like he's 10 mana and takes an entire game to buff up and randomly distributes it's damage so it's not guaranteed to board clear or go all face.
Lol that rage.
When he said the game is over one way or another he meant that C'thun either lives and wins or gets removed and loses, he didnt say anything about beeing broken.
"Your dick betrays you!"-C'thun Not the first time my man...not the first time!
This is our secret hq.
Praise be