Grave HorrorTaunt
Trolls can regenerate lost limbs, but this is what they do with the leftovers. |
Anyfin Can HappenSummon 7 Murlocs that died this game.
Theme song by Ellie Goldfin and Blagghghlrlrl Harris. |
Dimensional RipperSummon 2 copies of a minion in your deck.
The first dimensional ripper had a point. The second fell flat. The THIRD one really started to take shape! |
Iceblood TowerAt the end of your turn,
“Why is it called Iceblood Tower?” “Not really sure. Anyways, try not to lose your footing on any of the frozen bodies as you make your way in.” |
Shield ShatterDeal 5 damage to all
"Is the shield being shattered or doing the shattering?" "Yes." |
You'll all be singing along once he gets to the tyranno-chorus. |
DrakanDrek'Thar is (@) Speed faster.
DurosDrek'thar takes @ less damage.
Goldshire GnollRush
They're searching for one ring. They're pretty sure someone said Goldshire. |
Safety ExpertRush. Deathrattle: Shuffle three Bombs into your opponent's deck.
Remember: Always wear your helmet when strapped to a bajillion explosives. |
Scrapyard ColossusTaunt
Heap on heapin' on. |
Wakener of SoulsTaunt, Reborn
The alarm again!? Wake me up in 5 more eternities. |
From De Other SideSummon a copy of each minion in your hand.
Why did Drakuru cross the road? |
Mass ResurrectionSummon 3 friendly minions that died
Mass ResurrectionSummon 3 friendly minions that died
One's company, two's a crowd, and three's a “mass” resurrection, apparently. |
Fizzy ElementalRush
Loved. Hated. Carbonated. |
Fizzy ElementalRush
Loved. Hated. Carbonated. |
Flesh BehemothTaunt
Perfect for fleshing out your Undead deck. |
Flesh BehemothTaunt
Perfect for fleshing out your Undead deck. |
Mogu FleshshaperRush. Costs (1) less for each
He's here to shape *clap* you up! |
MulchmuncherRush. Costs (1) less for each friendly Treant that died this game.
The latest advancement in hippo-botany. |
Runaway BlackwingAt the end of your turn,
It has been 5 minutes since our last Azeroth Racing League violation. |
Volcanic LumbererTaunt
The roots, the roots, the roots is on fire! |
Silver SwordAfter your hero attacks, give your minions +1/+1.
Silver’s malleability limits its utility as an edged weapon. On the other hand... SHINY! |
Arcane DefendersSummon two
*Arcane batteries not included* |
Collateral DamageDeal 6 damage to three
1 + 2 + 2 + 1 |
Collateral DamageDeal 6 damage to three
1 + 2 + 2 + 1 |
Crane GameSummon copies of two Demons in your deck.
This claw machine is RIGGED! I keep getting demons that bite me! |
Deep FreezeFreeze an enemy. Summon two 3/6 Water Elementals.
"Dancing with the Satyrs… on Ice!" |
Grand FinaleSummon an 8/8 Elemental. Repeat for each Elemental you played last turn.
Considering all the other hazards at Darkmoon, overindulgent pyrotechnics seem downright pedestrian. |
Hydration StationResurrect three of your different highest Cost Taunt minions.
They're drinking in herds... they do drink in herds. |
Nightshade BudChoose One - Discover a minion from your deck to summon;
It actually thrives in partial sunlight. |
Nightshade BudChoose One - Discover a minion from your deck to summon;
It actually thrives in partial sunlight. |
SmokescreenDraw 5 cards. Trigger
Pocket smoke! |
The Forest's AidSummon five 2/2 Treants.
The Forest's AidTwinspell
Delicious Forest’s Aid! Made from real forests. |
Arcane DevourerWhenever you cast a spell, gain +2/+2.
Likes her magic with a pinch of salt. |
Arcane DevourerWhenever you cast a spell, gain +2/+2.
Likes her magic with a pinch of salt. |
Boneguard CommanderTaunt
Commander? In Hearthstone!? FINALLY! |
Boneguard CommanderTaunt
Commander? In Hearthstone!? FINALLY! |
Coilfang WarlordRush
Prepare for the staunch conch launch! |
Cornelius Roame
Cornelius Roame
Cornelius Roame
Deviate DreadfangAfter you cast a Nature spell, summon a 4/2 Viper with Rush.
Even with wings, snakes STILL don't have legs. |
DoomcallerBattlecry: Give your C'Thun +2/+2 (wherever it is). If it's dead, shuffle it into your deck.
"Hello, is Doom there? No? Can I leave a message?" |
Enhanced DreadlordTaunt
Photo actually taken across the street in the reflection of a doorknob. |
Enhanced DreadlordTaunt
Photo actually taken across the street in the reflection of a doorknob. |
Flickering LightbotGigantic
Gilnean Royal GuardDivine Shield, Rush
Gilnean Royal GuardDivine Shield, Rush
Admittedly, they kind of dropped the ball with Prince Liam. |
Grizzled GuardianTaunt
Favorite sandwich? Grizzled cheese. |
Hulking OverfiendRush. After this attacks and kills a minion, it may attack again.
To hulk, perhaps, to fiend: ay, there's the rub. |
Illidari InquisitorRush. After your hero attacks an enemy, this attacks it too.
Armed with fear, big eyes, ruthless efficiency, almost fanatical devotion to your hero, and nice brown robes. |
Mish-Mash MosherRush
In the pit, he feels more alive than ever. |
Murloc GrowfinGigantic
Splitting SpacerockDeathrattle: Summon two 4/4 Splitting Boulders.
Space rock. *pew* Spa ce ro ck. *pew* S p a c e r o c k . |
Star GrazerElusive, Taunt
Star gazing and star grazing aren't too different. Except for the part where you eat stars. |
Taintheart TormenterTaunt
Oh boo hoo, did someone's World Tree burn down? |
Templar CaptainRush. After this attacks
You can combine two of these into a Captain Archon. |
Tomb WardenTaunt
Also known as an ancient copy machine. |
Torghast CustodianBattlecry: For each
Why is it a common? Well we couldn't make it a LEGendary minion! |
Torghast CustodianBattlecry: For each
Why is it a common? Well we couldn't make it a LEGendary minion! |
TroublemakerAt the end of your turn, summon two 3/3 Ruffians that attack random enemies.
"Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" |
CommencementSummon a minion from your deck. Give it Taunt and Divine Shield.
"Remember, graduates—you carry a heavy weight on your shoulders now." |
Crafter's AuraAt the end of your turn, summon a random 6-Cost minion.
She has at LEAST Craftsmanship +3. |
Cycle of HatredDeal 3 damage to all minions. Summon a 3/3 Spirit for every minion killed.
If you run 2 of these, would that make it the bi-cycle of hatred? |
Diamond SpellstoneResurrect 3 different friendly minions. @
Divine TollShoot 5 rays at random
Never send to know for whom the bell tolls. |
Divine TollShoot 5 rays at random
Never send to know for whom the bell tolls. |
Drum CircleChoose One - Summon five 2/2 Treants;
It's more of a drum pentagon, really. |
EarthquakeDeal 5 damage to all minions, then deal 2 damage to all minions.
Shake it, sh-sh-sh-shake it like a Kalimdor fissure. |
Elekk MountGive a minion +4/+7 and Taunt. When it dies, summon an Elekk.
Pink Elekks are on parade! |
Everyfin is AwesomeGive your minions +2/+2.
Everyfin is cool when you're part of a murloc team! |
Faithful CompanionsDiscover a Beast from
That's just how they cuddle! |
Free From AmberDiscover a minion that costs (8) or more. Summon it.
Bingo! Minion DNA! |
Giant Tumbleweed!!!Deal 6 damage to all minions. Summon a 6/6 Tumbleweed.
Skarr's second-biggest hobby after laying waste to the Badlands is bowling. |
Greater Diamond SpellstoneResurrect 4 different friendly minions.
Greater Mithril SpellstoneSummon three 5/5 Mithril Golems.
Greater Sapphire SpellstoneSummon 3 copies of a friendly minion.
Lesser Diamond SpellstoneResurrect 2 different friendly minions. @(Cast 4 spells to upgrade.)
A diamond, white, this stone the eighth A precious jewel for those of faith A whispered prayer restores the lost But none among them know the cost. |
Lesser Diamond SpellstoneResurrect 2 different friendly minions. @(Cast 4 spells to upgrade.)
A diamond, white, this stone the eighth A precious jewel for those of faith A whispered prayer restores the lost But none among them know the cost. |
Lesser Mithril SpellstoneSummon one 5/5 Mithril Golem. (Equip a weapon to upgrade.)
To dwarves of stone the demon called With promises of might, enthralled In grasping greed they found their doom Forever bound in mithril tombs. |
Lesser Sapphire SpellstoneSummon 1 copy of a friendly minion. @(Overload 3 Mana Crystals to upgrade.)
A stone of blue, embraced with glee By murloc lords beneath the sea Soon numberless they swarmed the shore First two, then four, then more...and more... |
Mask of C'ThunDeal 10 damage randomly split among all enemies.
Hide in the mask, but it will wear you. Through its gleaming eye, you shall see true. |
Mithril SpellstoneSummon two 5/5 Mithril Golems. (Equip a weapon to upgrade.)
OverflowRestore 5 Health
It's a high five followed by a low tide. |
Party Up!Summon five 2/2 Adventurers with random bonus effects.
Random? But what if we don't get a tank? |
Sapphire SpellstoneSummon 2 copies of a friendly minion. @
Shadow EssenceSummon a 5/5 copy of a random minion in your deck.
Difficult to bottle up and sell. But it packs a punch. |
Shadow EssenceSummon a 5/5 copy of a random minion in your deck.
Difficult to bottle up and sell. But it packs a punch. |
Wish Upon a StarGive +2/+3 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
"What are you going to wish for?" "I wish I had just a liiiiiiiittle more Attack and Health!" "...Really? You don't want, like, a million more?" |
Arkwing PilotAt the end of your turn, deal 3 damage to a random enemy. Spellburst: Summon an Arkwing Pilot.
Delivered in under 30 minutes, or your Arkwings are free! |
Blackscale BruteTaunt. Battlecry: If you
Black, the scales of angry Naga! Red, the flames of Azshari's past! |
Bloodboil BruteRush
Call Gurtogg a brute if you like, but no one else cares about the wounded like he does. |
Darkmoon TonkDeathrattle: Fire four missiles at random enemies that deal 2 damage each.
"Ready to roll out!" |
DoomkinBattlecry: Take one of
Now THIS is Mana cheating. |
Exotic MountsellerWhenever you cast a spell, summon a random
*Taps roof of mammoth* “You can fit so many squirrels in this thing!” |
Gadgetzan AuctioneerWhenever you cast a spell, draw a card.
He used to run the black market auction house, but there was just too much violence and he had to move. |
Gadgetzan AuctioneerWhenever you cast a spell, draw a card.
He used to run the black market auction house, but there was just too much violence and he had to move. |