CarrierAt the end of your turn,
Yeah, my teammates always call me this. |
Bzzz!!! 1Deal damage equal to
Drakefire AmuletTradeable
"...and I only had to climb up the mountains in Winterspring 50 times!" |
Eye of the StormSummon three 5/6 Elementals with Taunt. Overload: (3)
If that's the eye, I would hate to see the rest of the storm. |
Table FlipDeal 3 damage to all enemy minions.
"Judge!" |
Amplified ElekkTaunt
Before this show can continue, we have to bass-boost the elephant in the room. |
Block of Ice
Dragonkin SorcererAfter an enemy is destroyed, summon a copy of this Merc.
Faceless Behemoth
Rejected names: Forty-Foot Faceless, Big ol' No-face, Huge Creature Sans Face, Teddy. |
Force-Tank OMEGA MAXDivine Shield.
Ice Shard+10 Fire Weakness
Living MonumentTaunt
This is not the greatest card in the world. This is just a monument. |
Magma Rager
Ogre BruteImmune while
OgremancerWhenever Health is restored for ANY character, restore @ more.
Powdered KegDeathrattle: Deal 30 damage to all characters.
Stoneborn GeneralRush
Leads with an iron fist and a stony demeanor. |
Stoneborn GeneralRush
Leads with an iron fist and a stony demeanor. |
Evolved the really long neck to spy on its neighbors. |
Volcanic DrakeYour characters can't be Frozen and have +@ Fire Resistance.
Bzzz!!! 2Deal damage equal to
Sunset VolleyDeal 10 damage randomly split among
When the light is just right during Golden Hour, that is when you take out the selfie stick and start casting. |
Anubisath WarbringerDeathrattle: Give all minions in your hand +3/+3.
Some dogs will bring you a bone or a squeaky toy. This one brings war! |
Bloodsail Cannoneer
Bull DozerDivine Shield
Leave them alone for two minutes and they go right into sleep mode. |
Burly ShovelfistRush
Shovel beats paper and rock! |
Fairground FoolDeathrattle: Deal @ damage for each of your characters that has died this game.
Fizzy Elemental
Giant MastodonTaunt
Still salty about it not being the "Year of the Mastodon." |
Giant MastodonTaunt
Still salty about it not being the "Year of the Mastodon." |
Giant Rat
Gold Road Grunt
Grim Patron 1When this survives damage it summons a copy of itself.
Injured Marauder 1Taunt
Lightrays, much like rays of light, tend to be seen closer to the surface. |
Menacing Nimbus
MuensterosityTaunt. At the end of
We were going to put some cheesy joke here, but we goudan't come up with anything. |
North Sea KrakenBattlecry: Deal 4 damage.
You have no idea how tired this guy is of being released. |
Riverpaw Gnoll
Sleepy DragonTaunt
Local villagers call her "Naps Under the Mountain." |
Sleepy DragonTaunt
Local villagers call her "Naps Under the Mountain." |
Sleepy DragonTaunt
Local villagers call her "Naps Under the Mountain." |
Tainted ArboristDeathrattle: Restore allies to full Health.
Tanglefur Mystic
Bzzz!!! 3Deal damage equal to
Hench-Clan Burglar
Criminal LineupChoose a friendly minion.
Number 1, could you please sing the opening to "I Want It That Way"? |
Criminal LineupChoose a friendly minion.
Number 1, could you please sing the opening to "I Want It That Way"? |
CultivationGive your minions +2/+2. Costs (1) less
Calling this an 8 mana card is missing the forest for the trees. |
DemonboltDestroy a minion. Costs (1) less for each minion you control.
Or as it’s known in troll, “De bolt, mon.” |
Gift of the WildGive your minions +2/+2 and Taunt.
The gift that keeps on living. |
Power Word: FortitudeGive a minion +3/+5. Costs (1) less for each spell in your hand.
Part of a balanced breakfast. |
Prismatic BeamDeal 3 damage to all enemy minions.
Seven colors of the rainbow, one for each enemy minion. |
Tidal WaveLifesteal
"Hang Four, mon!" |
Blightwater SeerDeathrattle: Restore all Orcs to full Health.
Blightwolf CommanderAt the end of the turn, steal 2 Attack from all enemies.
Captain Varo'thenBattlecry: Deal 2 damage to a minion and 1 damage to each adjacent minion.
Cauldron ElementalYour other Elementals have +2 Attack.
Decorating tip: Unused cauldrons can make a lovely elemental display. |
Chillwind Yeti
Concert Promo-DrakeTradeable
There's a reason why it's promoting the festival instead of playing in it - it's a rhyme-lost protodrake. |
Crypt KeeperTaunt. Costs (1) less for each Armor you have.
How many crypts could a Crypt Keeper keep if a Crypt Keeper could keep crypts? |
Demonic Tyrant
Deranged DoctorDeathrattle: Restore 8 Health to your hero.
Unfortunately, his doctorate is in Murloc Literature. |
Eldritch Horror
Often wonders what path his life might have taken if he wasn't named, you know, "Eldritch Horror". |
Force-Tank MAXDivine Shield
There is a factory in Tanaris for crafting force-tanks, but it only ever made two, because of cost overruns. |
Fossilized DevilsaurBattlecry: If you control another Beast, gain Taunt.
This was the only job he could get after the dinosaur theme park debacle. |
Frosted ElementalDeathrattle: Freeze all enemies.
Gilnean Royal Guard
HailbringerElementals cannot be Frozen.
Hench-Clan Burglar
Heroic InnkeeperTaunt. Battlecry: Gain +2/+2 for each other friendly minion.
We reserve the right to refuse service to any 1/1. |
Ice RagerElementals have +20 Fire Weakness.
Mo'arg ForgefiendTaunt
Enraged not by fel energies, but by an itchy nose he cannot scratch. |
Mo'arg ForgefiendTaunt
Enraged not by fel energies, but by an itchy nose he cannot scratch. |
Mosh'Ogg EnforcerTaunt
Can’t break the rules if you can’t read ‘em. |
Pit CrocoliskBattlecry: Deal 5 damage.
PIT! Not PET! |
Plagued ProtodrakeDeathrattle: Summon a random 7-Cost minion.
"What’s in the drake?! WHAT’S IN THE DRAKE?" |
Queen AzsharaBattlecry: Summon Handmaiden Vashj, and 4 Royal Guardians.
Snuggle TeddyGigantic
Supreme AbyssalCan't attack heroes.
Yet, you still feel attacked. |
Tidal RevenantBattlecry: Deal 5 damage. Gain 8 Armor.
A big minion that clears the board and gains Armor? Wow, Warrior is really in their element now. |
Toysnatching GeistGigantic
Troll CenturionRush. Honorable Kill:
Centurion? Ha, come back when you’re a millennion. |
Twin TyrantBattlecry: Deal 4 damage to two random enemy minions.
They can never agree on whether it's too hot or too cold. |
Violet WurmDeathrattle: Summon seven 1/1 Grubs.
It's wurms all the way down. |
Violet WurmDeathrattle: Summon seven 1/1 Grubs.
It's wurms all the way down. |
Walking FountainLifesteal, Rush, Windfury
The weirdest part is that it doesn't have legs. |
War Kodo
Wretched QueenTaunt
Mind your head when you're around her. |
Bzzz!!! 4Deal damage equal to
VacuumAdd 1 cooldown to all opponent's non-holy abilities. Each enemy takes @ damage for each of their affected abilities.
Libram of JudgmentCorrupted
Libram of JudgmentCorrupt: Gain Lifesteal.
You really can't judge a book by its cover. |
Crystal ClusterGain three empty Mana Crystals. Any that can't fit summon a 3/7 Elemental with Taunt.
And if you can't fit any of the Elementals… do better. |
Fel GuardiansSummon three 1/2 Demons with Taunt. Costs (1) less whenever a friendly minion dies.
What happened after the guardians tripped? They Fel. |
Firelands PortalDeal 6 damage. Summon a random
Come to beautiful Firelands! Where it's <i>"Way nicer than the Abyssal Maw!"</i> |