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This might be balanced if it didn't have Taunt.
As-is it's absurd as a 0-mana 5/5 taunt with a pretty easy condition.
Thanks to Greymane, this card got even better
Remember when we thought this card was OP? Corridor Creeper says hi.
Great anti-aggro card on paper, ridiculously overpowered on play. Seriously this should AT LEAST be 8-9 mana or affected by only hero power totems. Even a 6 mana 5/5 taunt is acceptable, and a shaman will play at the very least 2-3 totems by the turn 6. I hate to be the guy asking for nerfs, but blizzard should really hit the hammer on this one.
And what saddens me the most is they'll probably overnerf it like they always do and make it unusable, and i'd really like to see some tuned-down version of it on the current meta. Shame.
its actually the Demogorgon from the upside down
Proof blizzard does not know how to balance this game
should be 5/5 without taunt and affected only by hero power totems.
It will still be very good but more balanced
This card is broken it needs a fucking nerf but Blizzard is giving a fuck about community -.-
0 mana 5/5 taunt is a bad joke
Mostly it is a free 0 mana 5/5 taunt minion. Tunnel trogg, totem golem and this card are most annoying cards in the game.....and all of them are the shaman cards, funny isn't it?
Even 6 mana 5/5 taunt minion is quite good. The mana cost should be 9 at least.
Still not nerfed for fuck's sake.
when me oppenet play on AOE that clears me board i always cry but now i play 2 0 mana 5/5 that's pretty good
This really should cost 8 or even 9. At 6, it's far too easy to get this thing down to 0 mana. Compared to this, Flamewreathed Faceless looks underpowered.
This card needs a nerf asap and Blizzard needs a slap on the face for creating such a broken card. Do you even test your cards?
Oh, you cleared my board? Look again. Bam 2 friggin dams built out of nowhere with 0 cost. Now to actually use mana...boom 4 wolves. Let's add a totem to that for an easy full board. Seriously, someone needs to do proper testings on these cards. Shaman is fking overbuffed.
Taunt. Battlecry. If you played on perfect curve, this costs (0)
*200 dust. Nobody just runs one.
*next turn kills "friend" if not conceded*