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I can't believe how long it took for me to notice this card was a godsend for Mill Rouge decks.
I wish this card was good
Best card in the game by far
The golden version is really detailed.
The hearthstone wiki explicitly states that mines and ambushes aren't copied. So draw with reckless abandon!
They ARE copied. The first will trigger, the second and third end up as 0-cost spells in your hand instead. In other words, combo activators!
Got the gold version, played it, drew Burgle, burgled 6 gold cards from a Mage. It was amazing.
RNG keeps handing me Evis and Backstab with this. Im not complaining, nor is Mister VanCleef
you still have the deck?
This is my favorite golden art from the expansion, maybe ever!
You're British, I take it?
Like this Primal Fusion :)
If it would read ''draw a minion, add two copies of it to your hand'' would it be like unbalanced then or?
Yeah it would be unbalanced because you can't get Eviscerate which is probably the one card you actually want 3 of. Unbalanced meaning even worse
Its Sprint! But worse in multiple ways! All for the benefit of paying 1 less mana but its still overcosted
Fatigue doesnt matter in a Cthun meta and most Rogue cards have strongly diminishing returns on having multiple copies. Doing Prep Thistle Tea on turn 3/4/5 and getting Cthun will probably lose you the game unless you are playing against a really bad deck.
if you previously cast Preparation it turns out even better :)
I remember when rogues in WoW was using this to gain some more energy during fights. I really liked that tea.
I remember the the quest to get the recipe in the Barrens.
Jesus...to be young again...
i don't think the mine is count as a draw , its more like a canceled draw