Playhouse GiantCosts (1) less for each card you've drawn this game.
Clockwork GiantCosts (1) less for each card in your opponent's hand.
He and Mountain Giant don't get along. |
Clockwork GiantCosts (1) less for each card in your opponent's hand.
He and Mountain Giant don't get along. |
Factory AssemblybotMiniaturize
I call it Mini-me. |
Force-Tank OMEGA MAXDivine Shield.
Mecha'thunDeathrattle: If you have no
"Your software will fail. Your users will abandon you. You are already obsolete." |
Msshi'fn PrimeTaunt
Safety ExpertRush. Deathrattle: Shuffle three Bombs into your opponent's deck.
Remember: Always wear your helmet when strapped to a bajillion explosives. |
Spud M.E. 1Switch sides each turn.
Spud M.E. 2Switch sides each turn.
The Boom ReaverBattlecry: Summon a copy of a minion in your deck. Give it Rush.
“What’s better than reaving? BOOM reaving!” |
Annoy-o-TroupeTaunt, Divine Shield
Some classes get Void Lords, other classes get Annoyed Lords. |
Annoy-o-TroupeTaunt, Divine Shield
Some classes get Void Lords, other classes get Annoyed Lords. |
Annoy-o-TroupeTaunt, Divine Shield
Some classes get Void Lords, other classes get Annoyed Lords. |
Bull DozerDivine Shield
Leave them alone for two minutes and they go right into sleep mode. |
Mekgineer ThermapluggWhenever an enemy minion dies, summon a Leper Gnome.
He was obsessed with explosives until he discovered knitting. Now he yells, “SWEATERS! MORE SWEATERS!” |
MulchmuncherRush. Costs (1) less for each friendly Treant that died this game.
The latest advancement in hippo-botany. |
Flickering LightbotGigantic
Foe Reaper 4000Also damages the minions next to whomever it attacks.
Foe Reaper 4000Also damages the minions next to whomever it attacks.
Foe reaping is really not so different from harvest reaping, at the end of the day. |
Foe Reaper 4000Also damages the minions next to whomever it attacks.
Foe reaping is really not so different from harvest reaping, at the end of the day. |
Force-Tank MAXDivine Shield
There is a factory in Tanaris for crafting force-tanks, but it only ever made two, because of cost overruns. |
Gaia, the TechtonicColossal +2
Always planning ahead, Ini knew she'd need this invention to protect all her other inventions. |
Gaia, the TechtonicColossal +2
Always planning ahead, Ini knew she'd need this invention to protect all her other inventions. |
Goliath, Sneed's MasterpieceBattlecry: Fire five rockets
“Listen, this baby has blades, rockets, and rocket blades. Only thing it doesn’t have is good gas mileage.” |
Kanrethad PrimeBattlecry: Summon 3 friendly Demons that died this game.
Kargath PrimeRush. Whenever this attacks and kills a minion, gain 10 Armor.
Magtheridon, UnreleasedDormant for 2 turns.
Playing with this card can be penalized with up to a two-year suspension. Please wait until the card is officially released. |
Mo'arg ForgefiendTaunt
Enraged not by fel energies, but by an itchy nose he cannot scratch. |
Mo'arg ForgefiendTaunt
Enraged not by fel energies, but by an itchy nose he cannot scratch. |
Murgurgle PrimeDivine Shield
Robosaur |
Robosaur |
Sneed's Old ShredderDeathrattle: Summon 2 random Legendary minions.
Sneed's Old ShredderDeathrattle: Summon a random Legendary minion.
Sneed's Old ShredderDeathrattle: Summon a random Legendary minion.
When Sneed was defeated in the Deadmines, his shredder was sold at auction to an anonymous buyer. (Probably Hogger.) |
The Replicator-inatorGigantic
Tomb WardenTaunt
Also known as an ancient copy machine. |
Zixor PrimeRush
AmalgadonBattlecry: Randomly
AmalgadonBattlecry: Randomly Adapt
Ashy BoilerInactive
Ashy Fuel TankInactive
Ashy Pressure ValvesInactive
Beryllium NullifierMagnetic
Why Beryllium? Because it's hard to spell. |
Containment UnitMagnetic
Surprisingly ticklish. |
Damp BoilerInactive
Damp Fuel TankInactive
Damp Pressure ValvesInactive
Darkmoon TonkDeathrattle: Fire four missiles at random enemies that deal 2 damage each.
"Ready to roll out!" |
Fiery BoilerOn Fire, Inactive
Fiery Fuel TankOn Fire, Inactive
Fiery Pressure ValvesOn Fire, Inactive
Flame LeviathanRush
Mimiron likes to take the Flame Leviathan out on some sweet joyrides. |
Flame LeviathanRush
Mimiron likes to take the Flame Leviathan out on some sweet joyrides. |
Flooded BoilerWaterlogged, Inactive
Flooded Fuel TankWaterlogged, Inactive
Flooded Pressure ValvesWaterlogged, Inactive
Fuel TankActivated
Fuel TankInactive
Marsh HydraRush
Three heads of marsh-mashing, bog-bashing, swamp-stomping fury! |
Mechanical Dragon
Pressure ValvesInactive
Pressure ValvesActivated
The BoommobileMagnetic
The BoommobileMagnetic
The CuratorTaunt
The Curator guards Azeroth’s deadliest creatures, but it’s secretly terrified of squirrels. |
The CuratorTaunt. All enemy abilities attempt to Target this (if possible).
The LeviathanColossal +1
Built by Ini Stormcoil, this massive vessel can withstand almost anything you put it through... although she would prefer you didn't! |
The One-Amalgam BandBattlecry: Gain a random
Why be good with ONE instrument when you can be terrible with ALL of them!!! |
Vashj PrimeSpell Damage +1
White KingDeathrattle: Destroy all White Chess Pieces.
Anima GolemAt the end of each turn, destroy this minion if it's your only one.
The Dark Animus is evil and mysterious and huge and unable to write sentences that utilize proper grammar. |
Camouflaged DirigibleBattlecry: Give your other Mechs Stealth until your next turn.
"What does that cloud look like to you?" "Trouble." |
Claw MachineRush. Deathrattle: Draw a minion and give it +3/+3.
"I have been mrglrlglr… chosen!" |
Damaged StegotronTaunt
Sadly the warranty does not cover fireballs or acts of Boom. |
Flame BehemothBattlecry: Get two
Always look both ways before crossing the Formation Grounds. |
The hula doll is still absolutely required. |
Iron JuggernautBattlecry and Deathrattle:
The Iron Juggernaut guards Orgrimmar and has just earned the "Employee of the Month" award! |
Iron JuggernautBattlecry and Deathrattle:
The Iron Juggernaut guards Orgrimmar and has just earned the "Employee of the Month" award! |
Mechanical WhelpDeathrattle: Summon a 7/7 Mechanical Dragon.
"Well if I didn't build the whelp and YOU didn't build the whelp…" |
Mech-Bear-CatWhenever this minion takes damage, add a Spare Part card to your hand.
Crushes buildings with his BEAR hands. |
Missile LauncherMagnetic
We asked, "Where do the missiles go?" and he answered, "Yes." |
Has been known to abduct sea cows and leave kelp circles. |
Has been known to abduct sea cows and leave kelp circles. |
Motley PhalanxTaunt
Motley PhalanxTaunt
OblivitronDeathrattle: Summon a
Reduce, reuse, re-rattle! |
Omega BusterDeathrattle: Summon six 2/2 Microbots. For each that doesn't fit, give your Mechs +2/+2.
Omega BusterDeathrattle: Summon six 1/1 Microbots. For each that doesn't fit, give your Mechs +1/+1.
Piloted Sky GolemDeathrattle: Summon a random 4-Cost minion.
Piloted Sky GolemDeathrattle: Summon two random 4-Cost minions.
Piloted Sky GolemDeathrattle: Summon a random 4-Cost minion.
The pinnacle of goblin engineering. Includes an espresso machine and foot massager. |
Polarizing BeatboxerWhenever you Magnetize
Polarizing BeatboxerWhenever you Magnetize another minion, it also Magnetizes to this.